The Hour We Knew

Author's Notes/Comments: 

That moment. All it takes is a few words to destroy a man.

Moment of clarity

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Everyone thinks they know everything about others from where they stand. I realise now very little look inside themselves with that same deconstructive approach. This does not make me better than the average man; I just believe as a man gets older he should redefine himself and improve upon himself, instead of looking at what he doesn't have or is missing.

Re-Write the Cause of Pain

Author's Notes/Comments: 

dismatling my own thoughts, trying to take a positive attitude with me always, not easy, but trying.

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Cold Milk Skin

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Too many things left unsaid, the undoing of an entire relationship, trying to put the pieces back up as they fall

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Making Of A True Man

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes just got to break those barriers down and time time to get your head together, finding self amongst the ashes

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A portrait

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