
Ali :)

My Portfolio
I have 25 items posted! Click here to view...
Manila, Philippines

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm just a girl that writes all the things that I love, I see and I feel. I wish people would love my work, I wish they would appreciate the things I've written. I like to make people feel good and special (some people are too blind to realize it, not my problem), but sometimes I get super awkward so bear with me.
If you want to talk or just curious about something, don't hesitate to write me something. I'd love to read and respond to them.

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I would write poems and stories when I'm bored or inspired to write something. There are times when get inspired because of the people around me, things I read and deep feelings I have. We all have to admit, loving feels so good but there are more in life than giving everything we can for the person we truly love.


Member for
10 years 13 weeks