Broken and Abused

Forever Sadness

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Feeling somewhat hopeless at the moment...


2010-2012 Poems
Author's Notes/Comments: 

-(c)jerlin 31May11. Piece for my video poetry...for the people you can't live with and can't live without.

Lost Soul

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is my first ever poem i've done....


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Author's Notes/Comments: 

woke up needing to vent held so much in for years. off meds for a week able to create for a moment angry meds started again this morning  im venting because when people wrong you and try to say you wronged them it really pisses me off to no avail. so tired of people  confusing my meekness with weakness. stacy marla here you go ahead sue me and my collective of personalities. at least i sleep well at night in my med induced rest while you struggle over the crap you put people through and dream about snakes attacking you stacy which you got from my ptsd asssault and marla when you realize you are not right about everything and the world does not revolve around you maybe youll grow the frick up!!!

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falling dominos

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was 13 when it started, the first slap was enough for me.. but year after year he seemd to find me and the abuse continued... In 2000, I was able to place my abuser in jail. In 2009, he was found guilty of first degree murder on his Fiance. In the state of Texas that is the death sentence.
My fears may have ended, but for many women, children, men and pets, thier life is still in limbo.

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