falling dominos


dont FUCK with me know!

ive been broken down

my dreams have been distroyed

i dont see the world like i useto

im in a hell hole now

and i think in staying here,

so don't FUCK with me now!

my soul has lost its light

ive been stripped to pices

i do not belive in hope

faith is a game now

and im tired of playing

so don't FUCK with me now!

the pain is slowly consuming me

heaven dosen't seem so bad

revenge must be a sweet taste

life is a freaking bore

So dont FUCK with me now!

i have been broken down

and i can breake you too!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was 13 when it started, the first slap was enough for me.. but year after year he seemd to find me and the abuse continued... In 2000, I was able to place my abuser in jail. In 2009, he was found guilty of first degree murder on his Fiance. In the state of Texas that is the death sentence.
My fears may have ended, but for many women, children, men and pets, thier life is still in limbo.

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