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ramonathompsont commented on: workman’s woe by Pingus 31 weeks 4 days ago
a different kind of write. I: a different kind of write. I liked it. thanks for sharing
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beaconzbard commented on: The Doorway by beaconzbard 31 weeks 4 days ago
It's now on YouTube: YOu can now watch/ hear me read this one at:
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Teytonon commented on: If only the years were knowledge. by S.X.K 31 weeks 4 days ago
Thank you for this..: Thank you for this wonderful poem. If I may add the following: If only the years were knowledge I'm sure some of us, as we grow older Would accrue enough knowledge to graduate college While others, who no matter how old they get Still play the fool and will be in grade school And of course, there are a few, sad to say Who will still be in pre-K!  
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georgeschaefer commented on: WAKE UP HARD by georgeschaefer 31 weeks 5 days ago
thanks but it's really about: thanks but it's really about waking up groggy and has nothing to do with sex
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patriciajj commented on: The Art of Human Suffering by FuriousIce 31 weeks 5 days ago
It takes uncommon skill to: It takes uncommon skill to turn anguish into outstanding art.   What a ride! Every twist and turn of intricate thought, every juxtaposition of words, every jolt of unsettling reality was penned with sheer brilliance.   How I wanted to swim against some of your stark, immersive waves of defeat and travail, but I have been in this place at times myself and made the same observations about society that I couldn't help making a strong connection to your words. The fury, the catharsis, at the end was palpable.   A spectacular and explosive study of despair. Amazing stuff.  
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Teytonon commented on: everytime by geneconner2008 32 weeks 36 min ago
Yes, everytime..: Yes, everytime I want to comment how much I dislike your poem, I realize I love it! Thank you for posting it.
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Teytonon commented on: WAKE UP HARD by georgeschaefer 32 weeks 47 min ago
Yes, its not easy,,: Yes, it's not easy in the morning When you find as day is dawning  You start to get that certain feeling A part of your anatomy  A part I will not mention, see Is pointing toward the ceiling Oh, but you must go to work Alas, there is no time to jerk..      
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Teytonon commented on: The longest poem in the world by fat_sweaty_bob 32 weeks 4 hours ago
The longest poem in the world..: The longest poem in the world might just possibly be, imo, the greatest poem in the world! A masterpiece! I loved it!
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Teytonon commented on: Without Salt & Pepper, Food Eats Itself by eyesofsociety 32 weeks 5 hours ago
This is great!..: This is great! Really enjoyed reading it. So original and creative. Thanks for sharing it.
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Teytonon commented on: The cow met a gal by Poetess1982 32 weeks 2 days ago
How did the horse..: How did the horse Meet this handsome guy? The guy met the horse Through a butterfly   How did the butterfly  Get mixed up in this? I have no clue Give me a kiss    I won't kiss you Why not, my dear? You have bad breath That much is clear   What if I bought  A bottle of Scope? Think that will work? We can only hope.        
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LutherSeahand commented on: Summer by LutherSeahand 32 weeks 2 days ago
Cheers!: Cheers!
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LutherSeahand commented on: Summer by LutherSeahand 32 weeks 2 days ago
Cheers!: Cheers!
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LutherSeahand commented on: Summer by LutherSeahand 32 weeks 2 days ago
Cheers!: Cheers!
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grimfate commented on: Starless Knight by grimfate 32 weeks 2 days ago
Why thank-you: Ah this takes me back hehehe and I thank-you again for your kind words. Keep on penning.  
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Teytonon commented on: Heaven's Leaky Sink by thrzasmack 32 weeks 3 days ago
A leaky sink?..: A leaky sink? In heaven? What the hell! You must be plumbing the depths now.. Good heavens!  
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