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grahf commented on: Stepping/Stumbling Stones by metaphorist 34 weeks 1 day ago
Beautiful: Sometimes these missteps are necessary, which I guess makes them more like stepping stones like you said.  That you can look back at your former self in this way (honestly & reflectively) is proof of growth.  Great write as usual!
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grahf commented on: I Friendzoned My Husband by metaphorist 34 weeks 1 day ago
Honest: Brazenly honest.  This hurts to read, which makes it well-written, but it still hurts.  Great write.
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Teytonon commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 34 weeks 1 day ago
Presenting the opening..: Presenting the opening scene of the most amazing story to ever hit the silver screen, 'The Land Before Time':   'Stewardess, oh stewardess' 'Yes sir. May I help you. Would you like another cup of coffee?' 'No. I would NOT like another cup of coffee! Why do you always ask me if I want a cup of coffee? If I want a cup of coffee I'll tell you I want a cup of coffee! Do you understand? 'Yes sir. I certainly do. No coffee for you right now. How can I help you?' 'How long before we land? I need to know, how long before we land! 'We'll be landing in a few minutes sir. Just sit back and relax' 'I can't sit back and relax! You don't understand. I have no time!' 'Sir, calm down. You shouldn't..''Time! This happens every time! Time after time!! Time before time!! Time during time!!' 'John, can you assist me? I having a problem with a passenger. Seat 22A. Yes' 'What are you doing? Who the hell is this guy? Why is he restraining me? I must land. You must land this plane immediately!! Running out of time!! 'John, the sedative should be taking effect. Hold him down!' 'We have to land! Land before time! Land before zzzz...' Coming to theatres for Thanksgiving. 'The Land Before Time'. Don't miss it!    
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patriciajj commented on: An Audience of Stars and the Rest of It by patriciajj 34 weeks 1 day ago
I’m forever grateful to the: I’m forever grateful to the people in your life who instilled in you an appreciation for poetry and the ability to read a poem like no one else I’ve ever known. That skill, and your conviction (of course, eloquently stated in various ways in many of your comments) that writing poetry is a sublime vocation, not just a hobby, has reignited my own passion for the craft.   So I’m reading your amazing analysis, an illumination that is deeply perceptive, motivating, spot-on and thrilling in its unparalleled insight, and thinking: he gets it! He pinpointed, not only the center of gravity, but my heart’s assignment, my inner goal, my reason to stop everything on a chaotic day and allow a little light to seep through the cracks of our cynical, weary, nonsensical world. That’s a gift so precious even Pop Stevens couldn’t have given a voice to its worth.   My deepest and infinite gratitude.     
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patriciajj commented on: Lines From Somewhere In Medieval Russia by S74RW4RD 34 weeks 1 day ago
Your poetry often reminds me: Your poetry often reminds me of what Boris Pasternak wrote in 1960:   "Poetry is a rich, full-bodied whistle, cracked ice crunching in pails, the night that numbs the leaf, the duel of two nightingales, the sweet pea that has run wild, Creation's tears in shoulder blades."   He would have applauded your unsparing indictment of a social experiment turned into a cruel, colossal failure. With the right touch of wit and searing reality, your poem is an excellent cautionary tale. Great one! 
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cynosure commented on: Analysis of Andrew Marvell's poem "To His Coy Mistress". by cynosure 34 weeks 1 day ago
Moment of clarity. : I finally understand what is going on here.    I recently discovered that much of my intellectual property from this site, like my poetry analyses (from my year 11 literature) has been stolen and plagiarised completely unadulterated (complete with spelling and grammar errors) in other people’s undergraduate and Master theses. Many of these theses were published recently, which begs the question of why the university wasn’t using plagiarism detection to check them?    Further, I have found some to be profiteering off my work by selling it to the likes of Barnes and Noble (Bartleby) and others.   Admittedly, I am partially to blame. I uploaded my work under a pseudonym (with references removed to try to deter potential theft) to a public poetry website. My reasons for this were to spread my love of English literature and, perchance, inspire young minds to appreciate it as much as I do.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 34 weeks 1 day ago
I quite enjoy these exchanges, myself: Dialing back to a time that had no time - you might be inventing time in reverse. I feel like this would make a unique and challenging Sci Fi story/script on time travel. Might have to steal an already existing title, though: The Land Before Time. ; )   Thank you, again.    
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Teytonon commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 34 weeks 1 day ago
Question for you..: Question for you. Or anyone else who might know. When a poem is created, the system will note the time. Sometimes the time is accurate, sometimes it's not. I'm not losing any sleep over it, but do you know why that is? Thanks.   
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Teytonon commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 34 weeks 1 day ago
Hmm. That’s a very..: Hmm. That's a very thought-provoking question. I need a minute to think about it. Though if I went back to the moment before the concept of time was invented, I wouldn't know what a minute was. Hmm. Another thought-provoking question. Will someone stop provoking my thoughts please? Seriously, I enjoy chatting on topics like this. It keeps my mind engaged. I'm an admirer of your work. Keep it up!
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: 35 INCH SCREEN by georgeschaefer 34 weeks 1 day ago
Such mourning to a massacre: Such mourning to a massacre of the hours.    
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 34 weeks 1 day ago
haha. Thank you, sir. As: haha. Thank you, sir. As usual, your wordplay adds to your critique. Here's one for you: If you had a time machine and wanted to go back to the moment before the concept of time was invented, could you?
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 34 weeks 1 day ago
Thank you, Patricia.: Thank you, Patricia. Particularly appreciate you sharing your sense of the rhythm in the poem. It came across to you just as I intended in writing it, and that's yet another helpful share among many you've been so kind to divulge. Also, how you picked out the four lines you've highlighted above and granted them stand alone value is not just a much appreciated compliment but also speaks to your poetic senses, because I wrote them before much of the second stanza and built around them. I appreciate the generosity of time you've given to my poems over the years. I'm surely far from alone in this appreciation.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 34 weeks 1 day ago
Thank you, once more, for: Thank you, once more, for such kind words, as well as the way you can connect something so small as my poem with other, grand things. Your description of the way in which atoms charge the stars is quite poetic, in itself. : )   Regarding Stevens, I absolutely love the title "No Possum, No Sop, No Taters" - I think it's one of the most interesting and intriguing titles ever created. That's a real gift, to be able to create such a specific title, yet not give away the poem. He had that.   Again, my gratitude. Thank you for taking the time and sharing - as you do so well - what about Tiny Little Gears made it for you.    
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Teytonon commented on: Hell's Jingle Bells by ramonathompsont 34 weeks 1 day ago
What the hell?: What the hell? Are you well? Writing a poem about slaying! Here's the thing Murdering  People is just not ok!   Ramona, please note Need to read what I wrote Hope it's not too confusing Wish to make it real clear  May I ask you, my dear What kind of drugs are you using?   What the hell? Am I well? For my soul, I should be praying  OMG! I agree  With everything you say!  
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arielle commented on: thoughts I keep from my father by arielle 34 weeks 2 days ago
I am very glad that you got: I am very glad that you got to reconnect after your heart surgery. I hope to reach that point with my father. 
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