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patriciajj commented on: Mussel Monday: All you Can Eat (Revision June 2024) by djtj 28 weeks 23 hours ago
I believe I read this: I believe I read this excellent character study before, and it was a huge pleasure to analyze the revised version.   You’re a pro at planting us straight into a scene, right down to the battery candles and "The sauce glistening greasy on the dark wood table", and using those astutely chosen details, those flashes of shattering realism, to underscore the emotional dynamics of the story.   Here there was such a dramatic shift in the inner atmosphere that it felt like  plummeting from a cliff. What I found truly cunning was the way mid-century wallpaper went from magically quaint and trendy to a representation of everything tasteless, cheap and self-indulgent about the society that produced the cad.   A stunning feat of poetic manipulation.   Applauding once more!
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Tiny Little Gears (Ticks of Eternity) by lyrycsyntyme 28 weeks 1 day ago
Sorry for taking so long to: Sorry for taking so long to get back to you regarding this question, I somehow missed it. Honestly, I've never noticed the fluctuations in accuracy on the time stamp. I've always just assumed it wasn't in alignment with my time zone, and thought that was all to it. I'm going to have to observe this more closely, now.
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LittleLennonGurl commented on: Complaining And Doing Nothing by LittleLennonGurl 28 weeks 1 day ago
Thank you!!: I am so glad you like it =D
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ramonathompsont commented on: Complaining And Doing Nothing by LittleLennonGurl 28 weeks 1 day ago
I like it. a lotta edge and: I like it. a lotta edge and attitude. 
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ramonathompsont commented on: not the way we should have done it by tallsquirrelgirl 28 weeks 1 day ago
Powerful: Powerful
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patriciajj commented on: poetics of breathing by arqios 28 weeks 1 day ago
I've been so busy lately that: I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to give your top-tier creations the attention they deserve. And that's my loss. This poetic exhale is a cunning little ode to all the poems that never where. I'm a very prolific author those!   Nice one.  
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patriciajj commented on: Unknown o’clock by Pingus 28 weeks 1 day ago
I loved winding my way: I loved winding my way through your one audacious, imaginative and deeply introspective sentence illuminated by brilliant metaphors and some mind-bending contemplation. So nice to read you again, fine weaver of words!   
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patriciajj commented on: skeletal ghosts of Sao Paolo by Spinoza 28 weeks 1 day ago
With astonishing sensitivity: With astonishing sensitivity and mastery, you captured the Stygian existence of the half-alive denizens of Cracolandia, literally "Crackland". The images are ruthlessly melancholic, unshakable. Only a word artist of the highest order could crush us under the weight of such artistic realism:   "I am human – I am human beats the drum that whispers between the willows."   Brutal. And breathtaking.   And just when I thought I couldn't be more submerged in your expertly etched images, I felt it should be impossible for anyone with half a heart to feel nothing when reading:   "To beat our soul with bleak and brief relief that it is only a distant suffering a world away"   What a potent poetic weapon against apathy. In a world of deep isolation and divisiveness, this brave and compassionate work of art is essential.   True greatness.   
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S74rw4rd1c5 commented on: Released From The Hospital by S74RW4RD 28 weeks 2 days ago
Thank you for those words.  I: Thank you for those words.  I am glad to be home.
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arqios commented on: Released From The Hospital by S74RW4RD 28 weeks 2 days ago
That's the best news at this: That's the best news at this point in time!
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S74rw4rd1c5 commented on: Released From The Hospital by S74RW4RD 28 weeks 2 days ago
Thank you, sir, and the same: Thank you, sir, and the same back to you.
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Teytonon commented on: Released From The Hospital by S74RW4RD 28 weeks 2 days ago
Wishing you good health..: Wishing you good health and a happy Christmas. L'Chaim! 
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Morningglory commented on: I think I remember something by Morningglory 28 weeks 2 days ago
I'm in: I'm in a glorious palace of an old hippie school bus. Haven't been around the writing world for too long. Hope your holidays are bright
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Morningglory commented on: I think I remember something by Morningglory 28 weeks 2 days ago
thank you: the brain is a mysterious puzzle
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Morningglory commented on: I think I remember something by Morningglory 28 weeks 2 days ago
thanks: I still suffer this mismatched puzzle of a life
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