Cassiopeia A

Cassiopeia A


was a super star, beautiful and bright


She held a special place among the stars


of night




One of the brightest luminaries


to ever kiss the sky


But the brightest of all the luminaries


always die


in a thermonuclear explosion




And so it was with Cassiopeia A


that when she got tired of shining one day


she threw her stardust


across the Milky Way


and said goodbye in a vault of light


that could be seen


by day or night




She had grown weary of being so bright


and threw her clothing off


across the night


and there she remains today


naked amid her negligee


as a super-fluid


Neutron Star




Now so dense, that her super-conductive body


weighs in at six billion tons


per teaspoon


The remnant of a super-nova


amid her nebula


eleven thousand light-years from earth




No longer the brightest among the bright


but still she speaks


as the strongest radio source pulsing in the sky


beyond our solar system


as her nebula negligee, continually floats away


with beautiful streaming tendrils


expanding at an angular velocity rate


of fourteen thousand


and five hundred kilometers per second







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patriciajj's picture

This striking personification

This striking personification of an astronomical event has an ecstatic vastness, an escalating grandeur, that is not simply read, but experienced. Few poets could tackle such an ambitious theme, but you pulled it off with startling prowess.


"she threw her stardust


across the Milky Way


and said goodbye in a vault of light"  Off-the-charts beauty here!


Your use of white space and ravishing metaphors amid the mind-blowing facts creates the ultimate poetic voyage. Still reeling and loving it!


Supersized brilliance.


Spinoza's picture

You are yourself a super-star


You are yourself a super-star. This site needs more people of your spirit around. We could all work off each others synergy, and build our temples into the heavens.

GabulousGabby's picture

No longer the brightest among

No longer the brightest among the bright


but still she speaks

this just speaks volumes. A beautiful poem with lots of layers which I'm looking forward to delving in. Gabby 
Spinoza's picture

Enjoy and keep posting


Looking forward to seeing you around more. Enjoy the reading around here and keep posting.

GabulousGabby's picture

Thanks ☺️ 

Thanks ☺️ 

Spinoza's picture


always welcome