Sun-ripened like the tender skin of a
sweet pear,
flowing infinitely downward
past and onward still;
a nape of neck, but ever downward,
Her almond tresses spill.
Bare shoulder brushing
aside the tickle
but still a trickle downward,
ever onward,
never still.
Between her breasts
where hill meets dale,
most beautiful curtain
creates immaculate veil.
Truly Lovely.
I knew from the title that this one would be beautiful.
serenity of sensuality
addicted to this On repeat
Thanks for the read
Thanks for the read
All the other comments say so
All the other comments say so much that I can only agree with them, I cannot add anything as I stand in the presence of this magnificent poem.
I thank you for the value of
I thank you for the value of your insight
agree with all my fellow commenters. hopefully one day a man will think of me this way ;)
please read my poems, and enjoy the real-life drama that is my life!
This is one of the most
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever must have been inspired by someone kinda special....with great hair x)
Sweet and sensual. Nicely
Sweet and sensual. Nicely crafted, William. Flows long, silky hair... :D
poetically sensual... or
poetically sensual... or sensually poetic?? anyway, u get the idea, right??
nicely crafted poem :) liked it
A musical, now a poem :D. Very ticklish and tantalizinly visual. I love extended images that bite! A Georgia On My Mind read - Just Bein' Stella