


Love is just a word…like any other word….

It will not soar or dance or sing

until we impart on it…it’s meaning

until we provide that word it’s wings.

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Life was simple for my Grandpa…when it came to love…

“It is something to be cherished.” He’d say, “and bask in the beauty of.”


“Love doesn’t have to be hard.” He’d say. “It truly is as easy as it seems.

It’s when two people come together and give life to each other’s dreams.”


“It’s finding someone who helps make you a better person than you were before you met.

It’s knowing…as wonderful as yesterday was with this person….

today will be better yet.”


Grandpa and Grandma were married over 50 years…

For 50 years the two of them loved having the other one around.

May we all be blessed in life…to find the simple kind of love they found.

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May we all be blessed know the kind of quiet, beautiful love

that a loud and boisterous love lacks…


The kind of love that 

when it softly whispers to your heart…

your heart smiles…

then softly whispers back.

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I wish people would understand…

before it is too late…

How a face full of anger,  prejudice and fear…

only open doorways into hate…


And if hate is something we are hoping

to rid this planet of….

How we should greet each other with a smile…

which opens a doorway into love..

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“How many times have you been in love, Grandpa?” His grandson asked one day….

His grandpa thought a moment, smiled and said, “Why, that’s difficult to say.”


“You see love appears in many shapes and sizes…

It’s very unpredictable…it’s is full of mystery and surprises.


There are many kinds of love out there…let me name a few…

I love your Grandma, I love your mom, your dad…

I love your brothers and sisters…and I love you too.


I love the sun, the moon, the clouds, the flowers and the trees

I love the mountains, the valleys, the rivers, the oceans and the seas.


All these different kinds of love…I hope, one day, you’ll know

Like watching a flower bloom in Spring, a Summer rain

the leaves cascade in Autumn…or a pure white Winter snow.


There’s love for all the animals that fly, swim, hop, run, crawl and walk…

There’s the love for our ability to smile, to laugh, to run…to sing…to cry…to talk.


I love that we have the ability to think…to imagine…to create…to dream…

and I can’t forget my love for cake, for cookies and ice cream.


Once you find the ability to love…you realize you have so much love to spare

and when you look at the world through eyes of love…you begin to find it everywhere.


And perhaps the most wonderful characteristic of love…is…that once you’ve found it…then

every time you experience something you fell in love with once…you fall in love with it again.


It’s why every time I see your grandma I fall in love with her 

as I have a thousand times before….

And why I fall in love with you…every time you walk through our front door.


So…when you ask me how many times have I been in love….

I’m not sure…because when love is overflowing…

I find in everything I do each day…

that number just keeps growing.”

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New Me

Today I spent fighting. Fighting for love.

Fighting for life.

fighting spiritually


recognizing that I hadn't wasted 12 years but that someone had been trying to use

spells and witchcraft to end what God had brought together.

I am praying.

He is praying.

we are praying.

We are fighting.God's got us.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not giving up on love, God brought us together. He has the final word.

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Before this election:

I truly believed most people are kind, loving and accepting

and the future of our country was bright. 

And that after the election I would take great pleasure

when I was proven to be right.


I believed kindness, love and acceptance

would find their way into the ballot box…

I believed that…in a majority of people in this country

these feelings were quite strong.

But after this election…

it grieves me to know that I was proven wrong.


I believe this country is heading in the wrong direction…

In my heart this feeling is quite strong….

And, yes, I know the majority of people in this country

believe that I am wrong.


But I believe for a country 

without love, kindness and acceptance in it’s heart

the future is anything but bright….

and I will take no pleasure 

if I am proven to be right.

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May we be blessed to stand in love’s all-encompassing glow…

having chosen love yesterday…

choosing love today…

and hopefully….choosing love tomorrow….


Choosing love in the sunlight…in the rain

underneath the moon…the stars….

to keep choosing love every day


love becomes exactly who we are.

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We are a country of diversity…

We may have originated from different places…

we may have different cultures, different traditions…

wear different clothing…have different faces…


We may not always understand what each other is saying…

who we love, the way we live…or what God to whom we are praying.


But…when you stop to think about it… 

we can’t help but to proclaim:

despite all of our differences…we are basically…the same.


Being born exactly who we are is something we didn’t choose.

Certain traits we can’t surrender….

can’t give up…forget…or lose.


But there is a choice which we can make…

that helps determine our ultimate destiny…our fate.

We can choose to love…

or we can choose to hate.


Our diverse country stands divided on what exactly makes us great…

with people on both sides claiming they are the ones who love…

and it’s the other side who hates.


Ultimately…it does not matter what we think…how adamantly….how strong

Love knows which of us are right…and which of us are wrong.


On the eve of this election…may we look deep into our hearts

and may it be true love we choose….

because with love we have so much to gain…

and with hate…so much to lose.



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