


When I was a teacher I knew…from their parents my students were on loan

and I did my best to treat them as if they were children of my own.


At the beginning of every day…this mantra I repeated:

I will do my best to treat my students the way I’d like my children treated.


It was as a wonderful way to start each day…echoing my Golden Rule Of Teaching

for I knew, in my heart, my mind and soul… its effects could be far-reaching.


It’s my own interpretation, my own version of The Golden Rule…

the one we all learned while growing up…in our churches and our schools.


And now, being long-retired, with my teaching career complete…

I try to use The Golden Rule of Teaching with everyone I meet.


So when I see or hear of people being hateful, inhumane and cruel…

I wonder if they no longer believe, have forgotten…or are ignoring The Golden Rule. 


When I see people belittled, demeaned, debased, degraded and defiled…

I want to ask, would you be treating this person that way…

if this person was your child?


Looking at the state of the world…I don’t think I’m overreaching

to think it would be good for everyone…every day to repeat The Golden Rule of Teaching.


To begin each day with an open heart…and with this simple phrase repeated:

Today I will treat everyone I see the way I’d like my children treated.


It may seem too simple, too childish, too innocent…

but in a world that is daily falling apart…

perhaps the Golden Rule of Teaching is the perfect place to start.

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Today I’m grateful for kindness…

for no matter our nationality…

be we American, French, Arabian, or Greek…

Kindness is a universal language

everyone can speak.


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May we be blessed to live in a world of kindness…

for kindness is the epitome of humanity…

where every person…every day

tries to be a little kinder then they think they need to be.


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May we be blessed to stand up strong for what we believe in…

while at the same time finding it in our hearts to forgive…

and do the best we can at finding a way

to be kind to everything that lives.


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Today I’m grateful wherever I am

under the moon, 

the stars, 

the sun

to have been created with the ability

to me kind to everything….

and everyone.

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Every day we get a little closer to dying…that’s just reality…

although we don’t know exactly when our last day on Earth will be.


So each day as we move a little closer to the end…

we should try and get a little closer to our family and friends…


Since once a day is over…never to repeat

each day we should try to be a little kinder to everyone we meet.


A little kinder to all the people who look or act differently… 

A little kinder to the animals…to the air, the land…the sea.


And each day as we try to be a little kinder to the world…

wouldn’t it be swell…

If we could try to be a little kinder to ourselves as well.


For there are no more beautiful words that can e’er be said…

when it’s our time to live no more…


everyday we tried to be a little kinder 

than we were the day before.


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 It’s amazing that a person who endured slavery…

the worst part of mankind’s inhumanity and blindness

would grow up to teach the world about humanity…and kindness.


His name was William Key and he learned to read and write

around the same time he learned to talk.

As he grew his mother taught him how to heal animals

he was so good at it…people began to call him Doc.


When he was a free man Doc raised a horse named Jim

and just by watching Doc guessed that Jim was something special…

that he was smarter than the rest.


Using only kindness Doc spent years working with Jim day and night

and when they finished Jim could make change, do simple math

cite Bible verses as well as read and write.


Doc and Jim toured the country amazing people in the early 1900’s.

When asked how Jim could do all the things he learned to do…

Doc would smile proudly and answer…with a lot of kindness 

and a little patience too.


It’s amazing when you think about it how a former slave

and a beautiful horse…were the unlikely duo who…

would show the world the importance…of being kind 

to people…and animals too.


In fact when it came to kindness you might say Doc was on the cutting edge 

which is why when he and Jim were done performing 

he’d have everyone recite the Kindness Pledge.


I don’t think its a coincidence I came across this story now

because with all the animosity, all the hateful words and prejudice being hurled…

I think we all could use a lille more of Doc Key’s kindness in the world.


So I leave you with Doc’s kindness pledge…

The more we recite it the better chance it has of finding a place within our heart….

I know It may not change the world we live in overnight…

but it’s a pretty good place to start

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Before this election:

I truly believed most people are kind, loving and accepting

and the future of our country was bright. 

And that after the election I would take great pleasure

when I was proven to be right.


I believed kindness, love and acceptance

would find their way into the ballot box…

I believed that…in a majority of people in this country

these feelings were quite strong.

But after this election…

it grieves me to know that I was proven wrong.


I believe this country is heading in the wrong direction…

In my heart this feeling is quite strong….

And, yes, I know the majority of people in this country

believe that I am wrong.


But I believe for a country 

without love, kindness and acceptance in it’s heart

the future is anything but bright….

and I will take no pleasure 

if I am proven to be right.

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As you navigate your way through life

may you be blessed to find….

when it comes to everyone and everything you meet…

you will never regret being kind

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