May we be blessed to understand…
to one day comprehend…
how this world is made more beautiful
by the ways our colors blend.
I see what’s happening here…and I know it isn’t right…
We have a government doing everything it can to paint this country white.
A country where only one color is accepted as important…
one gender, one religion…one sexual preference-straight…
but I refuse to join them down their rabbit hole of hate.
I will continue to accept and marvel at our differences…
to find peace and love and joy…
in the very things these people are trying so hard to destroy.
I want to stand up and say to the world…
in a voice as loud as it can be…
To all of you who holding the paintbrush…
you do not speak for me!
That no matter how you try…
your hate will never change my point of view…
That no matter how white you try to paint this country…
our true colors will shine through.
Today I’m grateful for knowing
that we are all sisters and brothers
and that the key to making the world our Creators envisioned
is by caring for one another.
I was wearing my tie-dye rainbow colored hat
in the bookstore the other night…I’ve worn it a lot this year…
when a lady came up to the counter and said,’
“When I saw your hat through the window…I knew I’d be safe in here.”
It’s fitting as I’m writing this…that I’m walking in the rain….
why is this important…let me take a moment to explain…
There’s a reign of terror falling from our skies
that, unfortunately, generations of people have felt before…
A human-made reign of terror that yesterday…
found it’s way into our store.
You see there is a blatant disregard for human life…
for what is fair, unbiased and just…
and it’s difficult, while it’s raining…
to know who we can…and cannot trust.
As with open arms we smiled and welcomed this women into our store
I couldn’t help thinking of the Native Nations, people of color
anyone who is feeling…or…who has felt this way before….
And I was glad my little hat…that’s been my lucky hat all year
played a part in letting this woman know there was nothing she need fear.
When terror is raining down…with so much out of our control…
when we see it hardening so many hearts…and infecting so many souls
It’s up to us to walk tall and bravely through the rain each day…
to do our best tot stop this reign of terror from washing our world away
Perhaps the best that we can do…until this reign of terror is through
and the light of truth, kindness and justice once again appear…
is to provide a place where people can say…
I know I’ll be safe in here.
Today I’m thankful that I’m different
have been since my birth…
from every other person upon this planet Earth…
Thankful our creators understood
how it would be a shame
how the world would be a boring place
If we al were the same.
Dear Humans,
This is a note from all the Gods…
(that is to whomever God you’re praying to)
If we can show compassion and acceptance for everyone we created…
we’re wondering…
why can’t you.
Your God
Before this election:
I truly believed most people are kind, loving and accepting
and the future of our country was bright.
And that after the election I would take great pleasure
when I was proven to be right.
I believed kindness, love and acceptance
would find their way into the ballot box…
I believed that…in a majority of people in this country
these feelings were quite strong.
But after this election…
it grieves me to know that I was proven wrong.
I believe this country is heading in the wrong direction…
In my heart this feeling is quite strong….
And, yes, I know the majority of people in this country
believe that I am wrong.
But I believe for a country
without love, kindness and acceptance in it’s heart
the future is anything but bright….
and I will take no pleasure
if I am proven to be right.