


May we be blessed to experience both halves of the gift of love

(At least the way I see it…the way that I believe)

The first is how wonderful it is to give it…

The second…how wonderful it is to receive.


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A note to everyone in my life whom I love… 

In case you’re wondering why I say ‘I Love You’ so often…

why from my lips these three words continue to flow

why I keep repeating something you already know…


It’s because from the moment I started loving you….

when I realized I have the knack….

I will never tire of saying ‘I Love You’

or hearing ‘I Love You’ back.


It’s because if for some reason I was gone tomorrow…

I’d like you all to know…at the end of all your tears

you'll have enough of my ‘I Love You’s’ stored inside your heart…

to last all of your years.

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Dear Humans,


This is a note from all the Gods…

(that is to whomever God you’re praying to)


If we can show compassion and acceptance for everyone we created…

we’re wondering…

why can’t you.



Your God

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Today I’m thankful for my ability to love…

and when someone else’s love I’ve earned

for the feeling in my heart…

when my love is returned.

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Every year she asks him what he’d like for Christmas…

If there’s any special present he’d like to unwrap Christmas Day. 

Every year she asks…

even thought she already knows what he’s going to say.


It’s the same wish I make every year…he smiles

and for many years now it has come true….

I’d like another year surrounded 

by my family, 

my friends…

and another year with you.

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May you be lucky, if you haven’t already, 

to find someone in your life

Who every day makes you feel a little stronger…

Who makes you wish you could turn back the clock 

so you would find them a little sooner

and be able to love them a little longer.


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 There are those who say that love is invisible…

that it’s a feeling we cannot see…

and although I am no expert…

forgive me if I disagree.


Because in all my years upon this Earth

I have come to believe 

love is often times quite obvious

and easy to perceive..


That it permeates our senses…

It can be seen heard, tasted, felt…

and above all shared

that when you stop to look around

you can see love is everywhere

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Love comes in a myriad of shapes and sizes

in countless forms both large and small…

that I could’t possibly in one poem…

communicate them all…


But as we head into this holiday season

I imagine we need love more than we ever needed it before…

So today I bring you 2 definitions of love:

one from Tommy who is 6…

and one from Maryann…who’s 4. 


Love, according to Tommy…(I’ve added in the rhyme)

is when an old lady and a old man are still good friends

even though they’ve known each other…for a long, long time.


Maryann defines love in a totally different way…

It’s when you’re pet dog licks your face, she says

even though you’ve left it home alone all day. 


And so my wish for you is simple…

that sometime before you life is done…

if you haven’t already felt Tommy’s or Maryann’s love…

you will have experienced…at least one.

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On a beautiful summer evening…

late in the month of June

they stood together…hand-in-hand 

under a bright Strawberry Moon.


As they looked into each other’s eyes 

they promised to find a way

to love each other forever…

forever and a day.


And they built a life together

happily fulfilling that vow…a little every day…

until an illness…love could not cure… 

took one of them away.


Reminding all of us who love…to always find a way

to show that love to one another…

a little every day….


To love as they did…every moment of their life….

from that summer evening in late June….

because when you choose to love someone forever….


will always come too soon.

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