When two people love each other
It’s like the confluence of two streams..
and the two of you immediately begin making memories
wrapped in each other’s dreams.
You feel happy, safe and comfortable inside your blanket
just the two of you
but as you add family and friends you find how easily
your blanket wraps around them too.
And you discover life is even happier and more exciting too
as the blanket of dreams they brought with them
wraps around you too.
And from this confluence of dreams you find
you’re happy with the direction your life is taking…
with the path your heart has chosen
with the memories you’re making.
Memories once made…you forever want to keep
so your mind finds a quiet place…a peaceful room
and tucks each on safely off to sleep.
Until your rivers meet up again
and, as you’re sitting on the shore,
a word or sentence spoken or a smile
wakes up a memory you’ve shared before.
And you find there is no place you’d rather be
than seated by that stream…
sharing a memory you’ve made together
while wrapped in each other’s dreams.
Today I’m grateful for the love
out of which I was conceived….
Grateful to be able to share that love with others
and grateful for any love I may receive
If you hate…
may whatever deity you believe in…
whether he or she dwells here on Earth
or in the heavens high above….
find a way to touch your mind
your soul
your heart
and turn that hate you’re feeling…
into love.
I’m finding it very difficult of late…
to keep love in my heart…when I’m surrounded by so much hate.
And therein lies the evil…the malevolence of hate….
It’s sole purpose is to trample love…as more hate it generates.
But I’m determined not to let that happen to me!
Determined that hate will never be my fate!
And I will continue to love in life…everything you haters hate.
I will do my best to love every person as each day begins…
no matter their sex, their gender, their religion…or the color of their skin.
I shall always love diversity…and the beautiful way our varied lives have intertwined.
I will love you and whatever letter or label you give yourself as long as you are kind.
I will love the Earth and all her creations…
as much as I love any woman, child or man….
and I pledge to treat you all with kindness and respect
and walk as gently and as softly around you as I can.
I don’t love our history…but I know we must study the mistakes we’ve made
who we were and where we’ve been….
If we don’t, as witnessed in this day and age,
we will make those same mistakes again.
You may call me names…turn your hate on me….
but your hate-speech will never make this country great…
and it will never stop me from loving all the many things you hate.
Besides…there is twist to your hate
that I find i quite ironically clever
Because of all your hate
there are so many people in this world
who need my love now….more than ever
Today I’m grateful for love
and I make a vow
to bring love to those who are out of practice…
and even those who have forgotten how.
May we be blessed to love ourself…
and may that self-love like a bubble surround us…
because it’s easier once we love ourselves
to spread that love to everyone around us.
We know we’ve reached the purest love
for our friends and family…
When we choose love them for who they are…
not…for who we wish them to be.
Today I’m grateful for being part of a love
that flows along with ease…
That is heavy enough to keep me grounded
Yet light enough to float upon the breeze.
That radiates just the right amount of heat
To keep me safe and warm…
That is strong enough to weather
the most turbulent of storms.
Today I’m grateful for the two most important parts of the words ‘I Love You’
The ability to say it to someone…so they will know it…
and once said…for the ability to show it.