We are a country of diversity…
We may have originated from different places…
we may have different cultures, different traditions…
wear different clothing…have different faces…
We may not always understand what each other is saying…
who we love, the way we live…or what God to whom we are praying.
But…when you stop to think about it…
we can’t help but to proclaim:
despite all of our differences…we are basically…the same.
Being born exactly who we are is something we didn’t choose.
Certain traits we can’t surrender….
can’t give up…forget…or lose.
But there is a choice which we can make…
that helps determine our ultimate destiny…our fate.
We can choose to love…
or we can choose to hate.
Our diverse country stands divided on what exactly makes us great…
with people on both sides claiming they are the ones who love…
and it’s the other side who hates.
Ultimately…it does not matter what we think…how adamantly….how strong
Love knows which of us are right…and which of us are wrong.
On the eve of this election…may we look deep into our hearts
and may it be true love we choose….
because with love we have so much to gain…
and with hate…so much to lose.