Today I’m grateful for music and for Plato
to his words I often cling :
Music, he said, gives soul to the universe
Wings to the mind
Flight to the imagination
And life to everything…
Today I’m grateful for understanding the importance of time
For it is my belief…my contention….
That whenever our children need it…
we should find the time
to give them our undivided attention.
Today I’m grateful for my parents…
For this simple genetical reason why…
If my parents didn’t have any children
there’s a good chance…neither would have I
Today I’m grateful for the art of Mother Nature…
her landscapes I prefer…
for no artist who ever was
or is
can paint any better than her
I’m grateful every day
for mistakes I’ve made along the way
not grateful that I made a mistake
but grateful that I continue to learn
from every one I make.
Today I would be grateful
If everyone understood each person’s value
each person’s worth
A good way for that to happen is if we treated everyone we meet
as if they were the last person on the Earth
Today I’m grateful for empathy…
because when I look out at the world
it’s easy for me to see
Family, friendship, love and peace
all begin with empathy,
Today I’m grateful I still have my child eyes…
because with them I’m aware
as I look out on the world
there is still beauty and magic everywhere.
Today I’m grateful for universal love…
It’s something I think a lot of…
And I pray for the day we realize
We are all just different expressions
of that one universal love.