
Author's Notes/Comments: 

#NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #day4 It's always nice to see the sunshine so it inspired my short poem for day four. Trying to distract myself from the fact my husband died on this date 7 years ago...hard to believe how fast time flies...sunshine is a great distraction...always lifts my mood. Happy Easter!

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Poetry Tip

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this little poem in response to a question on twitter about poetry rhyme...it's a cute little ditty and good advice so thought i would share it here...


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was watching something on TV and someone mentioned there weren't too many poets and I wondered if that were true or not...so wrote this thinking basically if I can do it anyone can...maybe different things are easy to different people...what do you think? Are we in the minority?

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Come On Now, We Can Do This!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this one awhile back for a project on HitRecord...forgot to share it here. Wanted to share it so it doesn't get lost...

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What Qualities Define a Good Poem from a Timelessly Elegant Piece?

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Abstract Thoughts

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was doing an exercise for one hundred days of songwriting where you just write whatever for ten minutes straight and then see if you have anything you can use...it inspired writing this poem cuz it made me think of a few abstract poems I wrote with a couple friends of mine ages ago...

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