
I Want To Be Strong

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written progressively, as I was alone in school, feeling stressed and depressed. The rain came, followed just about 10 mins later by the evening sun.

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another version of "Life Sucks"

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Oops! The Bug is Here.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

sick and tired of school and assignments...

View jas's Full Portfolio


weeping heartbeats
View laurmordre's Full Portfolio

Restless Years

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Thanks be to God, those restless years are gone... I am at peace in my soul...

View taleteller's Full Portfolio


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this one in school when I felt as if all hope was lost, yet I knew that in spite of it all, I couldn't give up. if not for myself, but for the people around me. So here it is

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what you didn't see

View sweetdreams's Full Portfolio

Too Tired

View punknunkies's Full Portfolio