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and_hera_met_zeus commented on: Enter Stellar by and_hera_met_zeus 2 years 14 weeks ago
Thank you: You're far too kind
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silentlyLOUD commented on: Sugar Laced Words by silentlyLOUD 2 years 14 weeks ago
Thank you very much for your: Thank you very much for your compliments and for the insight as well. The reason I worded it that way at least in my head was because this person appeared into my life out of nowhere without any previous connections to me and then they slowly and skillfully, almost as if with direct intention invaded my personal space. It seemed to me as if this person came into my life at a time when I was very vulnerable and immature. So to me this person being quite a bit older than I and more versed in social and romantic cues it very much felt like he was forceful and creeping at the very same time. I will think on what you have said though and read my poem a few more times. I did not realize that it would come across strange.  Thank you again! I wish you well.  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Sugar Laced Words by silentlyLOUD 2 years 14 weeks ago
Very good.: Nice shift in metaphors. I really like the concept of leaving the shell behind on the shore. It's excellent on it's own, but also connects well with the torn down bricks. In some sense, the experience led to a needed shedding, it could be.   One recommendation, if you will:   The antagonist "rushed in like a forceful wind", but then "crept in and stole me". Those two lines seem to fight against each other, as the harsh invasion of your existence by the perpetrator suddenly turns into a subtle robbery. Would "swept in and stole me" be better?
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: FALSE ICONS AND THE LIKE by georgeschaefer 2 years 14 weeks ago
haha Media: haha Media messaging/propaganda/cultural shaping has long been an observational interest of mine, I guess. I didn't intend to write at such length, but the thoughts you shared definitely lit a spark with me.
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georgeschaefer commented on: FALSE ICONS AND THE LIKE by georgeschaefer 2 years 14 weeks ago
Wow, that's a lot to digest. : Wow, that's a lot to digest.  Thanks for reading and commenting.  I try to learn from every person I meet and this certainly gives me something to think about.
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patriciajj commented on: Md. Ziaul Haque’s Quotes [মো. জিয়াউল হক এর উক্তি] by KingofWords 2 years 14 weeks ago
A smart and highly quotable: A smart and highly quotable twist on "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life". Wise and snappy advice.  
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crypticbard commented on: Seeking meaning by Seeker 2 years 14 weeks ago
Blackboards, now I haven't: Blackboards, now I haven't seen those since my university days and early years lecturing in front of a class. Everything was pre-Google back then, all done by hand and sweat; be it calculations or research. Wow. We have come a long way in some ways and not at all in others, even backward sliding as some would note. Thanks for sharing.
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georgeschaefer commented on: Done flushed them pills again by humanfruit 2 years 14 weeks ago
poignant, disturbing but it: poignant, disturbing but it does reveal the tragedy of mental illness in our culture
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sweetwater commented on: England’s Best. (simple pleasures) by sweetwater 2 years 14 weeks ago
Thank you for such a kind: Thank you for such a kind comment, to make someone feel good because they read a poem I wrote is a marvellous thing, and I really appreciate it. Xx    
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sweetwater commented on: England’s Best. (simple pleasures) by sweetwater 2 years 14 weeks ago
Thank you, I wrote it as the: Thank you, I wrote it as the thoughts came along, it was such a lovely day. :-)
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georgeschaefer commented on: VOLCANO by humanfruit 2 years 14 weeks ago
vivid description here.  Good: vivid description here.  Good poem
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sweetwater commented on: One More Drop. by sweetwater 2 years 14 weeks ago
That's very kind of you. When: That's very kind of you. When I read your words I wish the same. Your Silent Song is so beautiful and Moonlight Falling is too, I can't write anything that comes anywhere near yours. I really should comment more, I read yours, Allets and Stephen's poems but don't often leave a comment. I must remember to say how good they are.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: FALSE ICONS AND THE LIKE by georgeschaefer 2 years 14 weeks ago
Interesting; also amusing in some manner: I love and appreciate deep reflections on cultural experiences. Especially popularized ones. I also learned something here about the real world road runner and coyote that I didn't know. That insight further exposes a symbolism in the whole ridiculous Roadrunner vs Wiley E. Coyote melodrama: The desperate and ever more hungry coyote participates in mass consumption of products from a huge corporation, hoping to fill a void that he had all the power to fill on his own. The product consumption actually interfered with the consumption he truly needed. It also swallowed up all of his time, to accomplish less. Perhaps there was a cryptic message that mostly went unnoticed by the audience of children. Or perhaps it was brainwash? I don't know. It's fascinating, though.   As for Fonzie, who was he cool to? The high school kids, mostly. Which makes sense. High school kids and young adults in westen society were immature, if not downright incompetent, in judging the world (and are arguably even more so, now, in our near-completely electric society). I should know, I was once one : ) He was probably one of the lesser harmful characters to carry an illusion we need not learn, but he was also the one that probably opened the door for mass messaging on this front: "Being smart and responsible is uncool." My generation was hit really hard by this message in the 1980's and early 90's. Saved by the Bell, probably the most popular Saturday show when I was a kid, as well as Friday's popular "Family Matters" both portrayed the most book smart person as being otherwise a total baffoon, and extremely uncool. The most positively portrayed characters - certainly in shows like Saved by the Bell - were the slackers who knew how they should look, but didn't give a damn how they should act towards others (Zach, most especially). As jobs were being shipped overseas and the world was about to move into a massive technological bump that meant less hardworking, responsible and intelligent people were needed (and would therefore only make competition for the ruling class), advertisers were very happy to support shows with these type of storylines.    I also think about how, by the late 80's, nearly every show was portrayed in an upper middle class to very rich home. Family Matters, to it's credit, was one of the few that didn't do this. So at least it had that redeeming quality. But whereas earlier television, for what little it could offer, largely focused around working class family scenarios, this shift towards wealthier portrayals was part of the steady and increasing erasure of the story of the working class and their struggle from media. Music would follow suit as the 90's came to an end. Even "The Fresh Prince", whose main character was a teenage boy from the projects, had his entire story instantly transported to a wealthy home in one of the richest areas of the country. This, of course, comes full circle the road runner and coyote, as well, as it only helps to encourage us to chase the carrot and seek a life of consumption.   Side note on Fonzie: His creeping on high school girls is fairly disturbing in our time, but back when that show was written, the legal age for such relations was only 14-16 across most of the U.S., so it does require some context in it's time (it is actually still 14-16 in some states, believe it or not). This was a left over echo from an agrarian time which was followed by world wars and the Great Depression, when people matured more quickly, due to great burdens when young, so sexually maturity was generally closely linked with adulthood. In many second and third world countries, it's still generally viewed this way, because a teenager might already be running a farm and tending to younger siblings like a parent. Historically, I would imagine, 15 year olds were probably a lot more mature than I was even at 25, and my family struggled relative to modern American standards. Obviously, none of this to excuse rising pedophilia movements, sex trafficking that runs through the halls of the richest and most poweful, and so on. I personally think the age of consent between adults should be risen to at least 21, due to how immature our society has become since the advent of television, than the internet, then smart phones and of course from mass consumption. 
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crypticbard commented on: Update by J-C4113D 2 years 14 weeks ago
And since April, 4700 posted: And since April, 4700 posted poems. Things may be looking up. Or so I am perceiving. Blessings.
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crypticbard commented on: Window of Opportunity by owlcrkbrg 2 years 14 weeks ago
That is so true. We now have: That is so true. We now have to go to the doctors every 42 days, me and the wife. And yes, the line 'maybe tomorrow' is an oft used one. Thanks for sharing.
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