Enter Stellar

Earth Worship

between the twinklings of stars

and the bursts of pulsars

glints of sliced light

carry messages between those who have never met.


in a dream i asked the sky

if god was real

the stellar sent messages in shimmering dances

and not a single human being alive believed that it was true

though all they had to do was look for themselves

and ask.


stars carry me a message

for those i've not yet met.

to all the never born

and to those lost and long left.


i'll look up and forward always

if you ever answer back.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

a star theme for stella :)

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Seryddwr's picture

Revisiting this poem, as I

Revisiting this poem, as I approach some changes to my own work, I find it even more meaningful.  I need to bookmark this as a high priority bookmark, and I apologize for failing to do so earlier.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

and_hera_met_zeus's picture

Thank you

You're far too kind

Seryddwr's picture

Beautifully poignant.

Beautifully poignant.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

and_hera_met_zeus's picture

Thank you!


Seryddwr's picture

Thank you.  With each poem of

Thank you.  With each poem of yours that I read, I become more impressed.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

and_hera_met_zeus's picture

Wow, that's a strong compliment!

But eventually, you will find some of the stinkers in the bunch.  There's a few here I would delete entirely if I let myself pick and choose.  

Seryddwr's picture

I doubt that you could write

I doubt that you could write a stinker.  Your talent is too great for that.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

allets's picture

I Just Re-Discovered This!

Thank you so much for this stella-themed write. I am so humbled. Geeeeeee. "...to those lost and long left..." simple beauty in an image - peace - Lady A




and_hera_met_zeus's picture

for all the writing you do

and the sweetness in your heart, you deserve a thousand poems.  here's my humble contribution :) 

darkpool's picture

It's nice to connect with

It's nice to connect with another star-gazer. So cool to read about your messages, I hope they never stop.

Seryddwr's picture

Just visited one of your

Just visited one of your poems, and will be reading others soon.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

and_hera_met_zeus's picture

awww thanks!!!

it was just a dream... as far as i know stars don't move around much in real life lol but it was a good dream :D

allets's picture

Stella Means Star

"...to all the never born

and to those lost and long left..."

This expression is a breath stopper.

I am wowed!

Thank you for this poem.

I will read it often






and_hera_met_zeus's picture

i love all stars :)

i love all stars :)

Seryddwr's picture

Me too!

Me too!

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

allets's picture

Re-read 04-07-16

Still magical making the heart soar!



and_hera_met_zeus's picture


I'm glad!!