I have been temporarily absent from Postpoems due to being hospitalized. I caught what, before Covid, would have been a :bad cold." I developed a particularly violent cough, and I am, by nature since the age of five, a biolent cougher. During the several days of this violent cough, I tore a muscle on my left flank which, unknown to me, began to bleed (I did not know muscles could bleed; the things one learns! amd the way one learns them!). I begged to be taken to the ER due to the pain, and, fairly rapidly after my arrival, I was given three units of blood, to replace what had bled into my left flank. Had I waited until morning, as I had first thought to do until my old pal, the Relentless, the Unbearable, P A I N, overruled me, I would have entered Eternity at about five a.m.
I am now in a rehab facility, trying to learn to walk again (caused by the transverse myalitis in November, 2019) and trying to recover from a massive UTI due to the indwelling Foley Catheter, which I have prospects of replacing with a Suprapubic catheter; then, good riddance Foley, and never, ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Orthodox Easter is coming; I have never abandoned my Christian Faith since I "got saved,", but I prefer the expression of it in Orthodox liturgy and theology; rather than a banjo and two guitars, played by three **********s, who play the same tiresome three chords that, inadvertently, sound like "honky tonk" music . . . st least to me; and these three, generic stand-ins, ask questions of the nature, "Have you got saved? How much didya bawl?" Answers: yes, and none---I was happy about ir. Some of these same **********s now deem me a heretic, or, worse, unsaved.
And since April, 4700 posted
And since April, 4700 posted poems. Things may be looking up. Or so I am perceiving. Blessings.
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver
Please forgive me for failing
Please forgive me for failing to acknowledge this comment. No disrespect was intended.