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ramonathompsont commented on: My Favorite Porn Star Looks Like You by metaphorist 7 weeks 6 days ago
powerful and erotic!   Loved: powerful and erotic!   Loved it!
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S74rw4rd commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; An Athlete's Story by S74RW4RD 7 weeks 6 days ago
Thank you so much for: Thank you so much for understanding and validating my purposes in this poem, and in this series.  A comment from you makes such an encouraging effect, and thus the sequence continues.
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S74rw4rd commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; In Alexandria, An Explicit Poem After Constantine Cavafy's Poetry [XLIX] by S74RW4RD 7 weeks 6 days ago
Thank you very, very much.  I: Thank you very, very much.  I think so much of Kaisarion, and writing about him in this way seems like a means by which to reach out to him in the past.
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tula commented on: The beauty of paradise overlooking the horizon by tula 7 weeks 6 days ago
Thank you, patricajj (Reedited 05.01.2024 [06:45]): You've once again given definition to what I'm trying to portray, as I myself could not unravel my own poetic language use.  I must state that your comments, which are gracing my page ever since, are way.. phenomenal [to say the least] and totally unexpected (to my own level of understanding).  My mind is like that of a scatterbrain and you seem to keep my thoughts together by your lurid comments that are sort of acting like explainers to me.  My native language is not that good either, but when trying to create these test pieces in English in an internet setting, I seem to really get these often (sort of unspoken puzzlements).  But I am just really baffled about how poetry works (which is why aside from checking back in here to refer back or recheck/review what transpired, I also still find some type of a relief in it, in doing so & in various ways even if just thinking about it, envisioning/thinking it through—than in merely chatting with other people in a type of black and white conversation, if not having an outlet such as this).  (I would not say that I have done my best here, by putting these thoughts about a recent muse/inspiration, but I guess it just flowed out while trying to figure out the most correct words in place of such meaningful imageries transcribed, thoughts manifested in a way.)  As always, in spite of me, thank you.   [—It is really so humbling and remarkable to have been critiqued by you.  I don't know what to say but you got exactly what I'm yearning for in this particular poem.  If "N." in case reads this, she might become so overwhelmed with spontaneous feelings that should surely sink in eventually.  While I do not mean to negate my slow progress, it is also in line with my own assessments of how clearly I have made my thoughts flow out or have demonstrated what I should have had felt in that spur of the moment, in the most honest and candid way I thought could.] G'night.
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patriciajj commented on: The beauty of paradise overlooking the horizon by tula 7 weeks 6 days ago
The portrait you painted,: The portrait you painted, with brushstrokes of eloquence, is one of rare beauty, self-assurance and an alluring mystique. So brilliant, the way you expressed a desire to enter the fortress that surrounds her, to know the exquisite spirit within, but such a lofty endeavor would mean unraveling "the mystery of time".   More than a tribute: a radiant, timeless monument!  
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; In Alexandria, An Explicit Poem After Constantine Cavafy's Poetry [XLIX] by S74RW4RD 7 weeks 6 days ago
Cavafy certainly shines: Cavafy certainly shines through here in your majestic and sumptuous poetic sanctum. The atmosphere and the delirious heights of rapture are a powerful combination as well as a worthy tribute to Kaisarion. Well done!
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S74rw4rd commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; To Tommy And His BoyFriend, Residents Of Tampa, Florida by S74RW4RD 7 weeks 6 days ago
Thank you so much, my words: Thank you so much, my words cannot fully express my gratitude.  First, it's a comment from you,  Then you also mentioned Cavafy.  I am just bowled over by your kind comment.
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S74rw4rd commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Just For Leaf---His Presence, His Beauty [XLIX] by S74RW4RD 7 weeks 6 days ago
You should learn how to spell: You should learn how to spell "boat."  Also, the boatload that you smell is in your own port, and not Patricia's.  Please do not comment on my poems if you need to insult other poets.  Either comment on the poem, or don't waste my time and space.
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S74rw4rd commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Just For Leaf---His Presence, His Beauty [XLIX] by S74RW4RD 7 weeks 6 days ago
What is wrong with you?  You: What is wrong with you?  You have got some nerve coming on to my comment section to insult a fellow member of PostPoems and the person that I happen to believe is the finest Poet posting here.  So I will ask again:  what is wrong with you?
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Teytonon commented on: An Empty Movie Theater by metaphorist 8 weeks 13 hours ago
Since the theater was empty..: Since the theater was empty. I have no problem with what you and he were doing. If there were others there, please be aware they are not there to watch you and your boyfriend engaging in sexual activity. Please keep the moaning to a minimum. Thank you.
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uninvited_1 commented on: America's Suicide by uninvited_1 8 weeks 22 hours ago
Thanks for sharing the link .: Thanks for sharing the link . Appreciate the feedback spinoza
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Teytonon commented on: A stay-cation? Please,no by Teytonon 8 weeks 23 hours ago
Thank you so much..: Thank you so much for your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it!  
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patriciajj commented on: A stay-cation? Please,no by Teytonon 8 weeks 1 day ago
This was so much fun. Really: This was so much fun. Really enjoyed your intentional, delightfully snarky forced rhymes.   "hope they go far away-bors" That's a hoot!    Anything that can make me smile and chuckle right now is golden. Great escapisism. Thanks! 
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; To Tommy And His BoyFriend, Residents Of Tampa, Florida by S74RW4RD 8 weeks 1 day ago
I wish I had the time to give: I wish I had the time to give this magnificent achievement the accolades it deserves. I'll just say that you succeeded on every level: the emotional impact, the artistry, Cavafy's delicate thunder and the celestial beauty infused in every word.    Congratulations on this!   
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patriciajj commented on: A Warm Fall Breeze by asvochak 8 weeks 1 day ago
This is deliciously dark,: This is deliciously dark, pensive and wistful like many of my 3am thoughts but much more eloquent. Your notes really nailed the mood and the mindset. Beautifully composed and resonant. Enjoyed!     
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