My favorite porn star looks like you...
or maybe you look like him.
Sometimes the lines blur
between reality and fantasy
and dream and delusion.
My favorite porn star looks like you...
and sounds like you
and moves like you
and fucks like you.
Oh fuck, I need you so much;
I need you to ravish me
like all those times before.
But for now,
you are what I think about
when he touches me,
when he kisses me,
when I go to sleep,
when I orgasm.
This is a very powerful poem,
This is a very powerful poem, and I applaud your bold push to extend the abilities of our language by using, in the ginal line, a noun as a verb. "When I orgasm" is only three ordinary words, but affixing the power of verbs to what has been, historically, a noun makes the language more supple and more capable. I have always th9ught you are one of PostPoems' finest, and this, yet again, proves it.
powerful and erotic! Loved
powerful and erotic!
Loved it!