Considering the slave-boy who attends him,
Kaisairion is almost always aroused.
Often, the placid surface of the in-floor
pool receives (with the young slave's assistance)
the Pharaoh's sweetstuff.
Neither inhibitions nor expectations
of that ancient world interfere with their shared
feelings---not Lord of the Two Lands and a mere
slave, but boyfriends, between whom no barriers
obstruct their desires.
Clad in his pink stockings only, and partly
submerged in the pool, Kaisarion---caressed
by his lover---ejaculates into the
receptive water; seven surges at the
peak of his pleasure.
Cavafy certainly shines
Cavafy certainly shines through here in your majestic and sumptuous poetic sanctum. The atmosphere and the delirious heights of rapture are a powerful combination as well as a worthy tribute to Kaisarion. Well done!
Thank you very, very much. I
Thank you very, very much. I think so much of Kaisarion, and writing about him in this way seems like a means by which to reach out to him in the past.
Starwardized [fka Starward]