America's Suicide

Welcome to America,

We have on-tap medication

Instant gratification

And sex is the main attraction

On every TV show

There are countless regulations

Gender neutralization

And guns bought without discretion

By some mental psycho


Living in America,

You'll find public degradation

Racial intensification

And violence glorification 

Sits high up on a throne

There's widespread defamation 

Family demoralization

And schools force indoctrination 

Even when kids are home


-I hope you're happy now

We did this to ourselves 

The ship is sinking down

We're living in this hell

But you can count me out

Yeah, you can count me out- ( pre chorus)


-America's gone suicidal

And everyone is in denial 

America's gone suicidal

America's gone suicidal- (chorus)


Farewell to America,

Dying from exacerbation 

Killing what's left of this nation

And these bastards want formation 

So we will come undone


I hope you're happy now

We did this to ourselves

The ship is sinking down

We're living in this hell

But you can count me out

Yeah you can count me out


America's gone suicidal 

And everyone is in denial 

America's gone suicidal 

America's gone suicidal 


Prison's overpopulated 

Drugs are oversaturated

Everybody's medicated

Everything's incorporated

Sin's become domesticated

Whores are being celebrated

Churches getting compensated

Cities are all crime infested

Our freedom has been confiscated 

And everyone's been inundated 


But you can count me out

Yeah, you can count me out

America's gone suicidal 

And everyone is in denial 

America's gone suicidal 

And nobody showed up for trial

America's in such denial

America's gone suicidal 



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm really excited about sharing this one. Hope to see some comments on it.


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You haven't done it to yourselves. It was done to you – by those with a Marxist agenda to destroy America.


And if you fall – we all fall… and Europe is already very near being flushed down the shit-pipe, by these wanker-banker globalists.


And you – America, are their final obstacle.


911 & Covid-19 & Agenda 2030 – are merely stepping stones, to a global communist government.






uninvited_1's picture

Thanks for sharing the link .

Thanks for sharing the link . Appreciate the feedback spinoza