When I see you at work,
my heart starts beating faster,
beating harder.
I get this big grin on my face,
one that I have trouble suppressing.
My whole day
immediately gets better!
I get so giddy,
I get so happy!
I want to be right by your side!
I want to work as close as I can!
When you flirt
and goof around with me,
I get so happy,
and can feel it
throughout my body!
I want you to want me.
I need you to need me.
I desire for you to desire me.
I think about you thinking about me!
I want you.
I need you.
I desire you.
I think about you so much!
When I see you at work,
it makes me so happy.
You make the
most boring of shifts
go so much faster!
So much easier to get through!
Oh, when I see you at work....
See if you can make a good
See if you can make a good eye contact connection. Hold for as long as you can, and see if you can feel the response. I think you'll figure out if he likes you too. :)
Copyright © JessterStarshine
We've done that, but he acts
We've done that, but he acts goofy with it... I have thought of trying to bite my lip when I look at him when he looks at me... but don't know whether that would be weird.. I'm new in flirting...
Don't force anything, or fake
Don't force anything, or fake anything... just be natural. If he acts goofy with the eye contact, it may be because he likes you and gets a little shy. Keep having fun with him. You'll figure it out, I'm sure. :)
Copyright © JessterStarshine
Thanks Girl! You're really
Thanks Girl! You're really helpful! I might have to keep you around ;) Jk! er.. about the might part!
You're welcome. Sounds like
You're welcome. Sounds like you two are having fun with each other. :)
Copyright © JessterStarshine
Haha, I hope he is! I know i
Haha, I hope he is! I know i am