electric light in your eyes
vibrant colors blew my mind
the barriers between us wear me thin
like claws in my skin, dug deep in
hiding behind teeth, shielded with a smile
taking my all to breathe
I know i'm stuck here for awhile.
love is like glue
my heart for you
frozen solid in the gap of time
somewhere between the righteous & divine
I fail to reach...
my voice is fading, growing weak
hands are losing grip, holding nothing
you are like a beautiful star in the sky, somewhere up high
lost to my touch
reaching up & getting no where
if I tried to speak would it be too much?
buried in the sand
like every secret
behind a wall
imprisoned inside us
until then i'll wait in this cage
wondering when you will turn the key
when will you set me free..?
trust me when I say it's everlasting..
Perfect example of writing as
Perfect example of writing as therapy!! Love your author's comment!!
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Absolutely loved this read.
Absolutely loved this read. And I like that pic you posted too. :)
Copyright © JessterStarshine
A very deep poem, in
A very deep poem, in meaning and understanding. Whatever the barriers, true love and real feelings and emotion between a couple is the real freedom. Just as importantly is individual understanding of freedom, a person true to them self is a very forthright person and strong. It was a pleasure to read your poem I read it three times; each time gave more meaning. A realy interesting and entertaining poem, that has the reader drawn into the poem with greater involvement. Liked your poem a lot.