Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

cynosure's picture
cynosure posted a new Prose titled Slaying Goliath: Why Toxic Positivity and Inspiration Porn Need a Reality Check 7 weeks ago
The biblical story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 often serves as a powerful metaphor for conquering seemingly insurmountable odds. At...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; To Basho, In Praise Of His Young BoyFriend, 16 [ /;\ ] 7 weeks ago
As, gasping, Toyo refracts, a few droplets of his sweetness remain: you lap at them eagerly--- not one will go to waste here.
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled PATH TO TARTU 7 weeks ago
    Rolling down the highway double decker bus second level front row eagle’s eye view   Tartu not Turku Simplify, man  ...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled RUNNING OUT OF CASH 7 weeks ago
    Running out of cash just in time to get another check to go out and blow it on booze and poetry and be bored stiff with this l...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled ANOTHER ROAD TRIP PHILOSOPHY 7 weeks ago
  As we near the end of our road trip a blessing from an old amateur wordsmith: No road is ever too long  if you have someone to s...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled GNRT DAY 42 THE PLANNED AND UNPLANNED ON OUR WAY TO NEW HAMPSHIRE 7 weeks ago
   On this road trip we make tentative plans as to the memories we’d like collected but we often find the best memories are totall...
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled Why the Ganges Weeps? 7 weeks ago
Share my charity.I have become poor after rejectingthe shining star of the galaxy.You cannot dissectthe sorrow of earth. The worldis very si...
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grahf's picture
grahf posted a new Poem titled The Liminal Sound 7 weeks ago
      Subdued Like muffled voices behind doors: Trace amounts Of sound Enough to cast doubt, But not loud Enough to absorb...
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Savvart's picture
Savvart posted a new Poem titled You Cannot Heal what you Refuse to Feel 7 weeks ago
In shadows deep, where secrets lie concealed, A heart with wounds, its pain has not revealed, For healing's path demands a soul to feel, To...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Ahead 7 weeks ago
Headline in today's N.Y. Times: 'Harris Has Made Up Ground in Nevada. But the Road Ahead Is Steep'
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Nolarak's picture
Nolarak posted a new Poem titled Bottled Up 7 weeks ago
  Venting is a neccessity.    Keeping feelings of any kind inside,  makes life that much harder.   Whether you are...
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Nolarak's picture
Nolarak posted a new Poem titled Night and Day 7 weeks ago
  You want to be loving.  You can be so cute at times.   And within a split second,  you can be the worst version of you...
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clutchforbalance's picture
clutchforbalance posted a new Prose titled Shadow 7 weeks ago
    light-hearted conversations were rare between them with her habit of over analyzing and his of being overeager. wanting her to...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; During Refraction, A Sijo [ /;\ ] 7 weeks ago
Even during refraction, their ardent kisses do not cease as their cores confect more glistening sweetness to harvest: dusk over Seoul, two y...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled ENJOY 7 weeks ago
  May we all be blessed to live  with a minimum of misgivings… helping others to enjoy their lives while enjoying the life we’re l...
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