Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled God Is My Sherpa 22 years ago
These paths go everywhere The guide has turned back And the snow is blinding Our feet are uncertain and leaden And the lightning whispers Po...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled GodWaitress 22 years ago
Would you like an extra minute The waitress cried I wondered how much more I could write
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Green Paper 22 years ago
Spontaneously the kings Of a livingroom devolve The structure of anthropoids Of language putting Darwin On trial condemn invaders Cambellian...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Hardwood 22 years ago
Some never sleep again unless death is akin to slumber Some sleep on pavement Clutching that hard-earned bottle To their breast like death...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Here Not There 22 years ago
Rocks and water and sun Jungle of bent branches Floating light-worshipped leaves Staring downhill with the canyon breeze Snow-water gurgl...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Heroin Cycle 22 years ago
She needs to get well Unabashedly sticks the the needle exchange Program in her arm Holds me in her arms with my worry In her ears My ring...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled In Foam Ation 22 years ago
Sifts into that blackened gulf of chaos 'til burrowing wormlike Burrowing after that last fact that fast clip mindful ov...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled In Somalia 22 years ago
Many miles from the canyon it was born in Our friend,  a fearful cry,  an echo made A butterfly eddy is named Andrew Ma...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Letter To The People 22 years ago
The soul of man is tired Ages of doubt Clarity's frustrating infrequency Keep man's fires lit Keep the bombs aloft It is time for peace Fo...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Machineflesh 22 years ago
Slow machine arisen Spread across the land Through mountain gaps Into valleys Across barren plains and frozen snows Blood for oil Cells for...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Meaning Eclipse Poem With Angelic Choir 22 years ago
It'll happen faster than you expect red serene smash into metaphor you become sensate that word itself you become scintillation that word...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Metallic Sonatas 22 years ago
Love is to open sky as loathing to an open grave Talk all you want if you wish the sky to listen I'll have to wait until I hear the words co...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Mona Lisa 22 years ago
Took a face from some dire play that long ago had wound its way 'cross cobblestone and battlefield Took a face from Hamlet's daughter a...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Mountainposts 22 years ago
Gentlesky fills Allabove As an umbrella Over greenbelow Skymusic From swoopswans Hits ears of earthbound Carelisteners The involved That s...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Muse Wanted 22 years ago
Rounded up the muses   kicking screaming Put them against    word-encrusted wall To television's bloody din Shamelessly...
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