A.R. Lewis

My Portfolio
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Shropshire, U.K

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Soccer,Eating out,or just eating. Walking,Reading.Quiss shows.

My book the Cup and Saucer Tree,is an account of my early days as a teenager,life in the military Welsh Guards pre w.
.w.2,serving at Dunkirk,and Normandy.
The cup and saucer tree has been my place of sanctuary from the age of 10 years,and still used today.Whenever I feel threatened my mind races to be safe in my tree,then I can take on the world.I served throughout the war knowing that I would survive safe in my tree.
I am a relatively newcomer to writing,My first effort was my BookThe Cup and Saucer Tree,published in 1999 by Arcona,
ISBN:0 953757609. My second book Field Of Red Poppies, a book of war poems now published by Arcona. More than 100 poems have been published in various mags. I now have the last copy of the Cup and Saucer trigoly ready for publishing.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I learn something new everyday - but at my age I am liable
to forget two things everyday!


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23 years 41 weeks