As soon as I'm done
My life will go on.
As soon as I'm through,
Then I'll be with you.
As soon as I stop,
Then life can pick up.
When I can find time,
Then you can be mine.
When my work's complete,
Then our hearts can meet.
But right now I'm too busy,
Right now I don't have time,
My schedule's just too full right now,
You'll have to wait in line.
Tomorrow I will love you,
Next week maybe we'll see.
I just can't fit you in right now,
You're not priority.
You will have my heart,
We'll never be apart.
Later you will see,
How great it all will be.
As soon as I can,
Then I'll take your hand.
You say you want to be with me,
But your life's just too full.
I'm sick of this facade of yours,
I'm sick of all your bull.
You've never wanted to be mine,
Why won't you just fess up?
I've wasted all my time on this,
Now it's time I gave up.
-Lo Ruhamah
i totally relate to this one... but ya know, you should never allow someone to become your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. it flows really well, great poem... i just sent the link to one of my friends!!
Will you marry me....dude seriously everytime i re-read your poems and new ones, i melt..they just i dunno they really just inspire me to write more and more, and writing is good for you (u know that ) but thanks...(oh yeah will you still marry me?) Sparky *sleep is good my friend;)*