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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled NASTY VARMIT 22 years ago
come on out of those shadows let everyone see who you really are stop trying to play the game of hide and seek I see you for what you are do...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled FIRES OF HELL 22 years ago
tempers flaring like the fires of hell words from out of the blue personalities changing getting in the way of your life watch out you m...
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hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled MILES FLY BY 22 years ago
As I sat in the back with as usual of course my head in a book head phones playing my tunes I am in a world of my own thoughts fill my mind...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled TALENT SCOUT 22 years ago
nasty run in her hose heels that pinch her toes skirt way too short blouse two sizes too small showing all that she is she is to perform fo...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled DIFFERENT 22 years ago
feelings so strong it's hard not to say anything thoughts run amuck in my brain wanting to get out and breath emotion right under the skin l...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled STRETCH AND BREATH 22 years ago
stretch with all your might reach out beyond the pain breath a deep lung full release it along with the sorrow simple really if you think ab...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled SOUND IN THE DISTANT 22 years ago
I sit here listening closely for I hear something not sure just what it is the sound is familiar to my ear but I can't quite make it out oh...
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hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled SHOULD I 22 years ago
should I tell you what is on my mind should I let you know I'm not blind should I spill the beans should I just make this clean should I th...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled SUFFERING 22 years ago
poems full of saddness poems full of pain poems full of self mulitation poems full of pouring rain poems full of doubt poems full no darknes...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled LITTLE BOOTY 22 years ago
oh, your little booty is as cute as can be an the fact that it belongs to you well that makes me happy You have a smile so sweet it can mel...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled STOLEN GLANCE 22 years ago
smile from a stranger a stolen glance can make you feel so alive a private moment for only you can make your heart sing a few dropped poun...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled WHAT IS UP WITH THIS SHIT 22 years ago
I try so hard to be a good person sometimes even willing to take a fall now that we have seen the real you I feel free no longer will I stal...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled SINGS OF THE GREAT SPIRIT 22 years ago
fires ignite hollowing the insides making it hard for you to survive a sign of the Great Spirit you stand proudly in a forest of redwoods...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled NEW ADDITION 22 years ago
I knew it was going to be a great day we were on our way out of town saw this huge Tigger he was over three feet tall and he was sitting sit...
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hawksquaw99's picture
hawksquaw99 posted a new Poem titled BIGGER PERSON 22 years ago
I am tried of having to play this part I am tired of hearing how I make things hard I am tired of everyone wanting control get off my back.....
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