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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Someones Coming 22 years ago
i'm not sorry anymore i know that there's something better for me out there i know there's someone who can see all that i see who can suppo...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Island 22 years ago
I live on an island. So quiet. Where I can see the ocean. Everyday breathe it's life. When the sea is angry. I can feel the spray hit my che...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled I'm Me 22 years ago
I'm me with a thousand faults and I'd be bored without them perfection would leave nothing to improve upon and that's what life is making yo...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Fatigue 22 years ago
Je suis fatigue-I'm tired of not telling what's on my mind Parce-que-because it's important to me tu ne sais pas-you don't know how it hurts...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Watching Grass Grow 22 years ago
I watched you cry your bitter thoughts Onto the ground Where the grass sucked you moisture dry I watch as the world benefits from your pain...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled It Really Bothers Me 22 years ago
It really bothers me When people are cruel so they can feel better about what they lack Hey! No one's perfect! You certainly aren't! You're...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Ode to Pepsi 22 years ago
Oh Pepsi Oh Pepsi My dear lifesaving Pepsi Your sweetened taste Your special place So close to me We're meant to be Oh Pepsi Oh Pepsi My foa...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Why Worry? 22 years ago
I don't know why you worry so much I think you're so perfect just like you are I watch you struggle each day to accept what you look like to...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Terrified 22 years ago
I love you and that terrifies me you have no idea how much I love you and even thinking that makes my lungs hurt because I know I love you...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Middle 22 years ago
I'm in the middle all the time asked for advice for god knows why I want to be a good friend why else would you ask for my opinion but some...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Shoot Me Down 22 years ago
You always shoot me down Because you know you can You're my father You have that power You love to tell me how everything is my fault And I'...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Two Parts 22 years ago
Part One you're sitting there quietly with the colors of the world around you so beautiful everything seems to work out one way or another...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled My Thoughts of You Dreaming Sleep 22 years ago
Melting smiles of lashes speak Your dimples laugh in greetings keep My thoughts of you dreaming sleep Are hands and bodies brush and meet I...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Help 22 years ago
So many people I know need help In the hearts and their heads They don't believe they're competant as beings But they are times a thousand A...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled I Wonder 22 years ago
I wonder if you realize How you treat me I don't think you do Because you've never said a single sorry People ask me Everyday If I ever get...
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