

I forgive you because I have to.

Not because I want to.

You abandoned us 

You abused mom 

You cheated on mom 

You left us for woman, gambling and alcohol.

My first two husbands were exactly like you 

My pastor told me if I want to go to heaven I have to forgive you.

I forgive you.

Although it has been easier said than done Dad.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My dad put us and my mom through a lot growing up. He chose his woman and our younger sister from his affair over us . He died in 2001. I am still dealing with my daddy abandonment issues and struggle to trust a heavenly father (God), because of it  My heart aches but I forgive him 

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My farther

Author's Notes/Comments: 

In China and Japan, probably in other asian countries, (Sorry I am not familier to it so much )

There is a saying to express things in just 4 words. It is much shorter than Haiku nor poem.

I create this words to my father. I tried to express exactly what he was as a man I respect.

To me it is much easier to describe what he was in sentences but I wanted to try this way.

So many memories about him and so many words he said, so many smiles he showed us....but all in 4 words.

I love him and miss him so much. Rest in peace, I love you so much.


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Son of Feat

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Well this is supposed to sound country but it just sounds redneck. Oh well, I tried.

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