There are times in life where you regret something so badly you couldn't feel nothing else but that life was over. Things you wanted to happen never came true. I never did find this person ('Moon') again which hurts hella. But after you've gone through the pain there's nothing left but to move forward. Eventually I found other friends who were okay. But one person, to whom I'll call 'Sun' (you know who you are) :) gave me even more relevations about myself and my relationship with the world. I thank this person for "shining" a lot of things about me and helping me to see things in a "different light." I think it's corny to say this but I really really respect this "sunny" person. Partly because it's 'this sun' who gave me the final push to overcome 'Moon' and also with the other parts of me that were "ugly" except one last part of me that's extremely horrid...(???) Anywayz, thank you from the bottom of my heart, 'Sun.'