Draconis Blackthorne


Seasons In Hell

Awakening, The Darkness of The Void
Deep and swirling, timelessness sublime
Transformation, Evilution
A blackened mirror of The Shadow mind

The masks of Satan myriad
Devil marked faces match in kind
Below, Above, Within, Without
Nightmares from The Dæmon Eye
Reborn in Hell they rise!



Phantom chorus, morbid dirge
All manner of ghoul and wraith emerge
Unleashed by Witch & Warlock hand
With darkest art and craft so grand!


By Abyssal fog and candleflame
Peals of thunder flash asunder
Skeletal trees bend in wailing windful manor

Twisted unknown creatures clutch crooked boughs and branches
Horns and claws and beaks and talons
Growling jaws and ridged haunches!
Scales slither, grinding tusks
Winged, spiked, curling barbs and stanchions!
Basilisk to haunt at dusk!



Jack O'Lanterns line The Path to The Infernal Throne
Flickering Hellfire, symbols aglow
Rictus laden visage of the damned
Come one, come all, Communion with Unholy One
Tricks and treats within The Pentagram!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

By the 13th moon, Samhain is upon us! For all derives from The Pit, eviliving creatures and Spells sent to evolve, grow, transmutate, as well as preserve indefinitely, if desired. Gazing into The Abyss to gleefully embrace the monster within! Reflections therein in kind. Cast thy oracles another turn, as candles flicker & incense burns! By the gleaming blade, Hecate's baneful shade!

Hail Dæmon brother Cromm Crúaich! Manifest Infernal Name for the night's observations! Let the bonefires rage to consume the sacrifices, infernal Hellmouth eternal! Bloodfeast impaled, debaucheries indulged!

By The Drægon, The Beast, and Our Lady of Sin! Hail The 4-Crown Princes of Hell! Lilith and Sammael! Shemhamforash! SO IT IS DONE

In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus!

~ Rev. Blackthorne

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Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus!

Rev. Blackthorne

Unholy Hallow's Evil LVII

Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Satanas Winds howl on this Wicked Wednesday, overcast skies prevail, heavy mist looms o'er The Haunted Noctuary. I enjoyed the wee hour conglomeration with Belialian brew amidst the rush of Nature. The breath of the Drægon overcasts the land, and leathern wings course from Hell. I Am rejuvenated, inspired, empowered.

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Falloween Returns

Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

It feels like Halloween again... Jack O'Lantern greet Me again... a black cat crosses My path, again... what does it mean to Me, can you tell Me My friend...?

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Walpurgis Hexennacht

Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

There is a combination Black Moon and Solar Eclipse this Walpurgisnacht. So it behooves The Satanic Sorcerer to take advantage of these conditions to being about an evilutionary metamorphosis in certain or all levels of life. Apotheosis, Lust & money spells, Curses & compassion. Indulgence, carnal delights, orgiastic pleasures sublime. Whatever is desired!

Infernal Vernal Equinox LVII

Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Equinoxes and Solstices are formal seasonal approximations, as we have seen characteristic weather last well into another season and vice-versa.*

Just as natural wisdom indicates when the environment is dark, it is night; when light, it is day, no matter the numbers on the clock or calendar. While the full moon spans over a three night period )O( {Persephone, Lilith, Hecate; 666}.

However, such approximations are useful in the ceremonial & ritualistic observations of Satanic Sabbats {High Unholydays} & Esbats {full moons}

Declaration of Doom

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Selection from The Devil's Scroll, Antixian Archives.

Proclamation of Doom

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Selection from The Devil's Scroll. Antixian Archive