That is the only consolation: That is the only consolation for our poems after we've gone. This is also the one shining truth that brings me back to the dead poets society; there is a capacity and gifts that our poems give to others even when we are no longer in the picture. Thanks for sharing.
প্রেমের এই সুন্দর: প্রেমের এই সুন্দর অভিব্যক্তিতে অনেক চমত্কার এবং উজ্জ্বল লাইন রয়েছে। এটি করুণা, শক্তি এবং সত্য ভক্তির সাথে প্রবাহিত হয়। আপনার প্রতিভা সাধুবাদ!
Something is certainly wrong: Something is certainly wrong with society when a Great Bard risks condemnation if he immortalizes an alternative expression of love and dares to "state its Truth in verse". Some pearls, it seems, are too precious to cast before swine.
Your variety of settings and characters in this series seems inexhaustible. Very impressive!
Pristine and flawless, your: Pristine and flawless, your veneration of the very ground that holds the faithful, forever gathered in devotion, is pure inspiration, pure joy. Adding an eternal perspective to this verse took it to the next level. High-impact artistry.
I believe you will always: I believe you will always have a voice, radiant, exceptional and consoling, in the words you leave behind. As for now, may you be filled with peace and healing light.
catching up on all that I've: catching up on all that I've missed lately, life is a whirlwind, and I'm happy I caught this one, and the others that fill your page.
Life is good, and I hope yours, and the little plant that could, finally did.
Welcome back.
Thank you, and yes, that: Thank you, and yes, that statement is totally correct. And I sincerely apologize for my delay in replying to this . . . somehow, I failed to receive, or to open, the notification. Please forgive my apparent lack of manners, which is really a lack of precise knowledge about my email, lol.
This is quite a spectacular: This is quite a spectacular 065tac13 c0ur53 to go through. Really refreshing 2 read. Hope you are able to comment and PM. I really can't explain what happened there. Your thoughts are much appreciated. Cheers. /Rik.