Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Cosmological Theology

From stars, the dust that the Lord, our Maker, molded---

atoms fused in stellar cores, then launched into space---

became, at His command, flesh, into which He enfolded

a living soul that can learn, and know, His Mercy and Grace.



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patriciajj's picture

If a poet's calling is to

If a poet's calling is to give a voice to the ungraspable, you excelled in your purpose. Waves of majesty, wonder and heartfelt praise thunder through each line. 



J-9thxciv's picture

Thank you.  I had replied to

Thank you.  I had replied to your comment earlier, but due to the turmoil going on in my home at that time, I was not able to concentrate on the words I wanted to say.  I really appreciate your validation of this poem.  It came to me spontaneously, with very little adjustment on my part.  I think it must have arisen out of reading Milton and looking at some of the photographs transmitted by the Webb telescope.  Thanks again for commenting.

J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]

patriciajj's picture

The JWST can do that! It's a

The JWST can do that! It's a privilege to read your work. 

J-9thxciv's picture

Thank you for those words.

Thank you for those words.

J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]