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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Neo-Tzar by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
When we stack floors upon foundations made for a 1-story cottage: The West's cruelty towards everday Russian citizens is a travesty and tragedy building on top of the tragedy already unfolding on the citizenry of Ukraine. But it's also instant karma for all of us "regular people" in the West, even if not our idea, as we become victims, too, with every penny and dollar rise in inflation (far greater than the government claims, but allows the fed to give as little help as possible). But, thankfully, the rich will get richer. Fewf.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Columbine and Tomato Vine by saiom 2 years 30 weeks ago
The tomato produces just as well freely sprawling: A horticulturalist here, appreciating the usage of flora in such a well-done metaphor.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: My Beast by Queen_Serenity 2 years 30 weeks ago
A powerful metaphor, through and through: Admittedly not the write that my mind anticipated, having noticed your chosen pen name. Caught me a little off guard, despite the title "My Beast". Maybe it made this even more powerful, and real. Much as I've personally experienced with two different friends in the past, it often comes as a total shock to find out someone is victimizing themselves in this way as a result of emotional suffering. As in your words here, they were left to cope not just with what led them to want to teeter on the edge of fleeing life, this point of cutting themselves, but then also, additionally, to cope with the after effects...feeling left in a no-man's land between life and death. Feeling worthy of neither.   To me, your words captured what they expressed to me in the late hours of many nights, almost too precisely. I hope, for you, putting it in pen led to the needed release being found there. All the best to you.
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patriciajj commented on: Diminutive Effacacy by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
Thank you. I need to remember: Thank you. I need to remember that. Yes, I remember 19¢ oranges.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: IMAGES by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Yes, peace, and we all can start small: It's first got to be an end to war within one's self, before ending war in the world.It's next got to be an end of war in one's home, one's family, before ending war in the world. Then it must be an end of war in the neighborhood, the community. These things precede any hope of ending warring within a city, a state, a region, or a country, let alone before ending war in the world.  
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allets commented on: From Here, Where? by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
Spring: Talk in D.C. to end clock shifts twice a year. Yay! Took walk down to Richard Park at Belle Isle bridge, passed out 5 copies of a free hip hop poem (2010). Lovely weather. Walked among the Canada Geese and ducks. Spring!. Tumeric and pepper rocks, add cumin with generously on food. Had it on cheese eggs this a.m.  Joints better. ~A~
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allets commented on: Diminutive Effacacy by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
We Continue: No matter the errors of over supply - we will adjust, tighten the belt. Remember when one orange was 19  cents, cheer that we have more clothes than we need. Plenty will not be the word for 2022-25. EU reels with refugees.  Any system can take only so much. We will adjust. Ttyl xoxoxox ~A~
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georgeschaefer commented on: HIDDEN FLAWS, HIDDEN GEMS by georgeschaefer 2 years 30 weeks ago
often times it is apathy and: often times it is apathy and not self control but I'll never admit it
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patriciajj commented on: An Odyssey of Illumination by americanprayer 2 years 30 weeks ago
I don't think I could do a: I don't think I could do a better job than saiom of highlighting what is enlightening and life-altering in this profound reflection. So much wisdom to unwrap, savor and grow by. A treasure. 
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patriciajj commented on: The Day My Heart Died by Queen_Serenity 2 years 30 weeks ago
A heart-stirring and: A heart-stirring and courageously honest expression that tells me you are worthy. The heart is stronger than we give it credit for, and I say this with well over 60 years of "dying" and living to see another day. There's no shame in sinking to the lowest valley, as long as we remember the mountain is still there. The view's a little foggy, but it's still there. Yes, it's work, but you're valuable and you're worth it, and you're pretty good with words as well. Keep writing. 
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patriciajj commented on: Diminutive Effacacy by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
So true, how you have to play: So true, how you have to play the game and walk the line to have significant "success". Fortunately, the act of creating is its own reward. Strikingly penned as always. 
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patriciajj commented on: Creativity Beyond Reality by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
That's no small challenge,: That's no small challenge, considering how reality continues to outdo our imaginations. An insightful and thought-provoking commentary on these extraordinary times..
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Creativity Beyond Reality by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
Your sci-fi is being undermined: a real world technocratic dystopia. Can 1984 compete with 2021? A struggle, but I think it still can. Will 1984 be able to compete with 2031, though? Or even 2025? I'm not sure. Orwell tried, though. I tip my cap to all of you writers who tried to make it real before it became all too real.   Maybe, now, what we need is an imagined revolution of cosmic proportions ; )   Your call is engaging: we must all, what ever and how ever we write, rise to meet any challenge that threatens to make our pen ink disappear into the page - sage words from the wise.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Bombs and Science by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
They get their money first, we're lucky if we get half what: ..we're promised, last. The other half went upward, at the start.   Also - Yes, for sure, those "expendatures", too. And, we can't forget islands where all sorts of despicable things occur.    
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georgeschaefer commented on: MS. PAC-MAN OR LAUNDRY by georgeschaefer 2 years 30 weeks ago
throwing a stick and watching: throwing a stick and watching my dog chase it is entertaining enough for me.
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