
Scitilop Politics


Okay, more Russians leaving Russia - the high tech Sector takes a hit. World not happy with Russian citizens. There's that. Tzars have to watch their backs - beware the Neo-Bolsheviks. EU moved laser-fast, 1 billion from usa - I am astonished (I still need neo-infrastructure!) Still, the Fed did "one quarter percent rise in interest rate (to slow inflation, not cause a recession, to control price rises). More to come but all these expenditures and supply problems like, oh, oil and gas, to be watched.


Russia is  watching 5 million flee Ukraine - this happens when bombs fall. The Ukraines boogie. Russia paying in rubles but their payments are expected in dollars. Oops! What will international defaults do to the world of finance? I hope prices come down (a lot fewer dollars in system). Definitely to be watched.


Lady A

Author's Notes/Comments: 

5 million civvies out of 22 million population evacuated - expatriated as of April 2022. usa stopped energy imports from Russia, oil, coal, gas. Response: there will be consequences for sending weapons to Ukes. So we wait.


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lyrycsyntyme's picture

When we stack floors upon foundations made for a 1-story cottage

The West's cruelty towards everday Russian citizens is a travesty and tragedy building on top of the tragedy already unfolding on the citizenry of Ukraine. But it's also instant karma for all of us "regular people" in the West, even if not our idea, as we become victims, too, with every penny and dollar rise in inflation (far greater than the government claims, but allows the fed to give as little help as possible). But, thankfully, the rich will get richer. Fewf.

allets's picture

The Uber Tax


Crashing world economy may be an option for Vlad. Loan payments in default. Did not exoect usa dollars frozen urretrievably. Hmmmm... Russian people know suffering, will share fate of Ukraine, people are condemned with their leader. See post war Germans. usa? We got 4 year comic relief with the orange tupee guy - a distraction while Afghanis suffered (Note: no longer a headline). That's what super powers do, invade and kill and leave mess behind. usa is rusting away and already "senators" talking rebuilding Ukraine. How abiut rebuilding usa?


Unless China gets there first, again on our dime. India lopped a missile at Pakistan (in error?). Now? If we mistep into wwiii, old enemies will look to get revenge for centuries of slanders and scrimmages. Israel as mediator, a hoot! Ask Palestinians.


Imagine a missile hitting New York, Chicago, Detroit (u c what I did there). Or a Tom Clancy book realized. We have a lot to fear; we've been killing children since 1776ish.  1/3 world wants us dead, 1/3 wants our lifestyle, 1/3 are victims of our foreign policies. How did the anti-missile shield invented by Israel shared partially with usa turn out? Anyone? Anyway, Uber rich can pay the bill at 50% tax rate for a year; just vanish a couple of deductions. Clean up the debt - it's what Dems do. The GOP is coming for Biden and his Cadre.






Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Ironic that Vlad Putin shares

Ironic that Vlad Putin shares a first name with Vlad Dracula, and that even more determined murderer, Vlad Lenin.  (Unfortunately, few share my belief that Lenin used Marxism, and dreamed up Leninism, to achieve one goal:  revenge upon the Czar's family for the execution of his brother, ordered by Nicholas I.)


allets's picture

I Did Not Know

Vlad had a brother. Taking over countries is bloody - ref Russia today and perpetual wars just like bloody usa Presidents. West's colonization of Africa and slave trade equals Hitlerian cruelties and over longer periods of time. I just did a search for Lenin's books - he was prolific. I read Manifesto and What Is To Be Done decades ago -- both gave me a headache! History, rhetoric, and economcs - ouch! 







lyrycsyntyme's picture

Oh, I definitely believe you

Oh, I definitely believe you are on to what was a significant part of it. What we now think of the Western aristocracy was not happy that the Czar family and their ruling companions weren't interested in the same global vision. Which made the West very happy to facilitate Lenin's ambitions (despite outward appearances), including the bloody slaughter of the Czar's family.


Ultimately, it seems that what might be called "beta versions" of modern intelligence agences in the West ensured Lenin's passage into Russia for the revolution in a barrel. The rise of a marxist adversary also helped crush labor movements in most Western nations, especially the United States, where labor was closely tied to socialism, which was somewhat closely tied to marxism. For one, I don't believe the facilitating of a rise of that adversary was a miscalculation or an accident.

Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you.  As this is Lady

Thank you.  As this is Lady A's comment section, I will reply to your comment more thoroughly in a prose piece on my own page.


lyrycsyntyme's picture

Sounds good - I look forward.

Sounds good - I look forward.

allets's picture

Thank You

On comment sect. I have to reply and fingers and eyes are way over stressed.

