Creativity Beyond Reality


It is hard to write

otherworldly when

imaginative Earthers

are in play. Monsters

and bad guys and evil

ladies lose out to

death as a collateral.


It is strange when

life lived is extraordinary

and writing is mundane.

Rising to challenge

human invention is work.

Do try it. A fantastic

poem or short story

may happen.


Lady A


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patriciajj's picture

That's no small challenge,

That's no small challenge, considering how reality continues to outdo our imaginations. An insightful and thought-provoking commentary on these extraordinary times..

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Your sci-fi is being undermined a real world technocratic dystopia. Can 1984 compete with 2021? A struggle, but I think it still can. Will 1984 be able to compete with 2031, though? Or even 2025? I'm not sure. Orwell tried, though. I tip my cap to all of you writers who tried to make it real before it became all too real.


Maybe, now, what we need is an imagined revolution of cosmic proportions ; )


Your call is engaging: we must all, what ever and how ever we write, rise to meet any challenge that threatens to make our pen ink disappear into the page - sage words from the wise.