
Jacob Berg

My Portfolio
I have 130 items posted! Click here to view...
Houston, TX, USA

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm a writer that, frequently, has no clue what to think of my own works. A very select few I am proud of, while the rest I dismiss as mediocrity at best. Perhaps that's just the "artist" in me (so I've been told, at least).

Anyhow, I present to you, Internet, my works as I have written them. I hope you enjoy them; feedback is always welcome, be it positive or negative. In my opinion, I can only improve.

About My Navel

A sinkhole in the midst of a forest clearing

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''I tell you this; no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.'' -Jim Morrison

"So it goes."
-Kurt Vonnegut


Member for
20 years 49 weeks