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allets commented on: Veined Hate by allets 2 years 27 weeks ago
Depending On How: Russia responds to missile attack; if they spin it as NATO, learning  to create a cross stitch PEACE Sample pattern may be the thread's knot. To be hoped. ~A~. 
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sweetwater commented on: Sing It And Write It by allets 2 years 27 weeks ago
I like this poem very much,: I like this poem very much, very relevant for today but has a gently subtility. sue.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: CDC Promotion of Pro-depression Antidepressants by saiom 2 years 27 weeks ago
Just another day in CDC paradise: The CDC also said that people should isolate from each other and not go outside for much of 2 years, even though mere common sense - let alone the mountain of scientific evidence that also exists - clearly points to this advice being disastrous for mental (and physical) well-being.   It's interesting, about meat, because some people seem to genetically react differently than others. I've both met and read of people who leave depression behind when they increase meat in their diet, and there are others who report the opposite. I think it's very revealing about the massively understated genetic diversity that exists within our species. In consumption, there also definitely seems to be something to how the animal was treated in life. I know this is true with eggs. My birds are truly wide ranging birds (I hesistate to call them "free range", because I still require fencing to protect them from wild fox, coyote, and - sadly - the neighbors dogs. "Free range" is a pretty bastardized phrase, to begin with, thanks to the way the FDA allows it to be defined). The rich color of their eggs is always apparent.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: I Walked into Your Room by djtj 2 years 27 weeks ago
An incredible power: throughout this poem. Intense gravity and a tearing away with a sense of ejection from orbit. So much incredible emotion.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Demons And Monsters by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 27 weeks ago
I understand this feeling: "Yet no oneBats an eyeAnd it makes me Sick to understand why"
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allets commented on: Peace Parlay 2022 by allets 2 years 27 weeks ago
Spoofing Aside: You called Zel "The Comedian." It sooooo fits. Short of nukes as deterrents, everything else is demanded. The arguement that Vlad would take (attack) previous Societ countries may or may not have been the plan. Land wars drain big resources, some might say 100 Rosed or 20 Afghaned years was pretty long. WW's did not last that long. V.I.P. might envision a totally militaristic gang-run state with long term expansion to rebuild the Empire. Free surf and defeated labor did it last time. usa had free labor - it is all unionized now baby!  . Isolated, he miscalced. Now, he wants ruble's value based on oil sold to eu and usa et. al. We cut him off - eu billions a year - income he had expected not to end, ends by end of 2022 and 2030. If Detroit is a lesson here, you cannot prosper with just cars, a one industry asset. Oil, coal, wheat, refined Uranium, gas, diamonds. They had enough resources to stabilize the ruble - or would have without war crime intentions and land grab via black-mail diplomacy. The cyber attacks ended usa and eu in Afghanistan. Did vip and company wager against afghan pull-out, C-19 devastating world economies, fuel & world food monopoly that west was weak and not compatible? Did he expect Trumpie second term there to control usa? . What else ya got Vlad? Global banks guaranteed cooperation. They took your dollars and euros. It was a funky deal, as Etheridge Knight said of  Malcolm X.. What next from vip and his disco groove band of gypsies? Vampires, Vlad the Impaler was from his part of town, right? I gotta look up Transylvania. I'm thinking Romania. :D . Peace out! . ~A~.  P.S. Transylvania used to be its own country back in the day 25th century.
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allets commented on: Wedding Guest (Part III) by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
This is How: Books start. Short excavations, mining for characters - at life's end, so many books begun, novels eat lifetime. ex. Mississippi Joe. A hoot! Thanks for reading my work. It  is appreciation personified.  :D .
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patriciajj commented on: Dripping Pine Needles by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
Stunning image! I experience: Stunning image! I experience it with all my senses. Now that's a gift. 
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patriciajj commented on: Jumble-crumpled by humanfruit 2 years 28 weeks ago
You're a champion of prose,: You're a champion of prose, and I admire anyone who can write with suchba feather-light grace, impeccable flow and a natural flow. Balancing simplicity and sparkle is no small skill. Your memories make great subjects because you can use them to evoke our own. Your journey is our journey. Nice read. 
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tumbleweed commented on: Chickens Sicken by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
What about eggs?: I repent of every chicken I've ever eaten in my life
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allets commented on: Sing It And Write It by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
One Part Of Longer Poem: . Broke it into 3 poems. Theme swings - so more about 1 thing each. Poems are always fresh when reread or newly read. :D .  
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tumbleweed commented on: CDC Promotion of Pro-depression Antidepressants by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
Makes sense: Wow, you got the thoughts in line
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patriciajj commented on: Sing It And Write It by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
How exquisitely it floats!: How exquisitely it floats! You turned the weariness and trauma of war into a melody of hope. Skillfully penned and still relevant today as when you wrote it. 
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patriciajj commented on: Banquet in Dreamtime by patriciajj 2 years 28 weeks ago
So sorry I forgot to thank: So sorry I forgot to thank you for your beautiful encouragement. Many thanks! 
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patriciajj commented on: Banquet in Dreamtime by patriciajj 2 years 28 weeks ago
Thank you for your stunning: Thank you for your stunning insights. Your support means so much. 
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