Sing It And Write It

Invisible Poetry


Peace is like writing poetry;

Its own reward. The last parade

before the ending becomes

the last event. 

Troops come home, broken

and tired, standing in a yesterday

mirror hoping a poem will come,

a catchy tune, a ballad for being

out of harm.


So I sing and sing or write

it down and make it float

for anyone to find and heed

as if my fingers were a guitar,

my imagination the strings.


Lady A





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sweetwater's picture

I like this poem very much,

I like this poem very much, very relevant for today but has a gently subtility. sue.

allets's picture


anti-war posture, anti-death statistics. Topical.  



patriciajj's picture

How exquisitely it floats!

How exquisitely it floats! You turned the weariness and trauma of war into a melody of hope. Skillfully penned and still relevant today as when you wrote it. 

allets's picture

One Part Of Longer Poem


Broke it into 3 poems. Theme swings - so more about 1 thing each. Poems are always fresh when reread or newly read. :D
