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georgeschaefer commented on: EPIPHANNY IN MARTINIQUE by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
the gators in the moat can: the gators in the moat can fend for themselves
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georgeschaefer commented on: EPIPHANNY IN MARTINIQUE by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
although, strangely, I do: although, strangely, I do miss mowing the lawn
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georgeschaefer commented on: EPIPHANNY IN MARTINIQUE by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
Less is more and more is less: Less is more and more is less more or less
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patriciajj commented on: Gates of Orion by patriciajj 2 years 25 weeks ago
I'm deeply troubled that: I'm deeply troubled that you're back in the hospital. I hope to hear you'll be released soon.   Thank YOU for inviting me along on your own creative journey and allowing me to see a higher perspective through your eyes. I'm certain that your powerful and crucial poetry will make a difference in peoples' lives.    May God shower you with every blessing for all you do for others.
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patriciajj commented on: Gates of Orion by patriciajj 2 years 25 weeks ago
Thank you again and again for: Thank you again and again for letting me know how much my work has helped you. Few things could be more fulfilling. More than a few of my poems would have never seen the light of day without your encouragement, so I owe you a great debt of gratitude. Be well. 
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Returning To Monkeytree Station by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
I'm thrilled that you're: I'm thrilled that you're going to expand this enthralling and highly significant series. This needs to be written.   I can't tell you just how motivating and uplifting all your words of appreciation have been. They make all the difference, reminding me that taking the time to write should be a calling, not just an afterthought as it used to be for me.   You've made an indelible impact yourself. You need to see yourself as the essential poet, scholar and friend that you are. May you find comfort and every happiness. 
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allets commented on: Turbulent Rivers by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 25 weeks ago
Enjoyed: "feeding a beaver's dam" while the last verse s jaw-dropping, I read this line 3x before  contnuung ti end. Imagination stopping line, cadence to sudden stop, rexan if beacer allusion - the in walks wisdom like an adage--wow! Cool write. ~A~. 
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Starward commented on: Finally Spring by allets 2 years 25 weeks ago
Being a writer of science: Being a writer of science fiction, are you familiar with James Tiptree, Jr.?  For reasons I cannot explain, your poem reminded me of Tiptree's story, "The Last Flight Of Dr. Ain."  Your poem, which is beautifully colorful, set me to thinking and my warped brain went to Dr. Ain's last flight.
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Starward commented on: Gates of Orion by patriciajj 2 years 25 weeks ago
I just wanted you to know: I just wanted you to know that I kept this poem open in my browser, and each time that the medicine caused me to doze off, I woke later to this poem in front of me.  Now that's real therapy, to wake up to Gates Of Orion twice.  I have been twice blessed today, the eve of Orthodox Palm Sunday.
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Starward commented on: Gates of Orion by patriciajj 2 years 25 weeks ago
In October, 1978, the Poet,: In October, 1978, the Poet, Dara Weir, upon learning that I had spent two years studying T.S. Eliot recommended Wallace Stevens, a poet I had studiously avoided, with the words, "He makes you work, but he pays you back."  I have not stopped reading Stevens since that day.  I never thought I would ever meet his equal alive, and not only alive but building a cosmic body of work before my astounded eyes.  That Poet is you, Patricia.  This poem was my introduction to the cosmic vision that informs and inspire your Poems.  This poem will always have a special place in my heart, right up there with Eliot's Ash Wednesday and Stevens' Le Monocle De Mon Oncle.  This poem ushered me into your presence, and one always remembers the first time they encountered a dynamic presence.  So, visiting to determine the date of my first reading, I just had to read it again.  I am again hospitalized, and the dope they give me is about to kick in and I will kick back, but before that happens, I just need to record my visit.  OK, in the middle of this comment, I dozed off, so I need to go "be high" for a little while, until the pain dies.  Thank you for this magnificent entrance into your Poetry.
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Starward commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Returning To Monkeytree Station by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
Thank you.  Your: Thank you.  Your understanding of the poem validates it as a sequel.  As you always do, you highlighted the major points I was trying to make.  Your comment on the other Monkeytree poem inspired me to write this, and I humbly and gratefully acknowledge you as Il Maglior Fabbro.  I am now strenthened, by your words, to continue expanding this series---which you inspired, and your courage helped to strengthen mine to continue on with it.  You have touched my life in so many ways, always to make it more than it was.  That is the nature of your poetry and your comments:  what you bring to this site makes it better than it was; what you have brought into my life, through your poems and comments, have made it better than it was in, if I recall correctly, January 21 of 2020, when I first read Gates Of Orion, two days before my hospital stay, that year, released me.  I remember how stunned I was---comparing it to Roy Batty's final speech before dying in Blade Runner; and how much like Stevens you are.  And I know that, in the next century or so (Stendhal predicted he would be understood in a hundred years), some grad students are going to go through even my comments to find out about your poetry, on which they will be writing dissertations.  Since that day (my late father's birthday), you have impacted my poems, my life, and this site.  Thank you, Patricia, for making postpoems better and greater with the presence of your cosmic poems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Coming To Monkeytree Station by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
I couldn't say enough good: I couldn't say enough good things about the sequel. You'll see . . . 
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Returning To Monkeytree Station by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
I rushed right over when you: I rushed right over when you mentioned a sequel. How I love what you did with this! First, you set the stage with the most evocative language and an expertise I've come to recognize as uniquely your own. You certainly know how to bring a reader into a scene.    Your use of alliteration enhanced the essence of some lines and effected its movement in a compelling way. The "D" line was delightfully clever as it underscored the leaden feelings from a stark and bleak atmosphere.   Then out of crumbling surroundings with relics of a bygone era, appears something fresh, casual-chic, beautiful and irresistibly free. As always, only the most striking and significant details are chosen. The stylish socks, in particular, tell a life-altering story.   "he seems to glide"   You say so much in those words. He is a gleaming example to us all: Do not be intimidated or cowed by ignorance and resistance. Live your truth with dignity, aplomb and bliss. Be the sky-blue socks. Slow down and relax into your glorious, unbreakable, one-of-a kind, endless self.   Such an empowering, inspiring message wrapped in beautiful symbolism!   As the perfect day unfurls, the socks don't go anywhere. Still they glide . . .   There's more powerful symbolism when the train pulls away, taking with it all the pain and oppression of the past on "its way to noplace that was your life before . . ." One door is closed and another opens. Such a wondrous moment!   You end on heart-melting poetics that rival the best of the best.   One last thing: Wow!
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Starward commented on: Turbulent Rivers by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 25 weeks ago
As I wrote in an earlier: As I wrote in an earlier comment, your ability to deploy metaphor is exquisitely adroit,
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Starward commented on: Reply To Lyrycsyntyme by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
Welcome.: Welcome.
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