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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; At The Villa Diodati, Geneva, Switzerland, July, 1816 by J-C4113D 2 years 22 weeks ago
Now that I've been formally,: Now that I've been formally, and intimately, introduced to the iconic queen of literature who blazed the trail many would follow, I can certainly understand your fascination. The character development leading up to her appearance at the tiny desk was exceptional—every description is a powerhouse of detail that brought the supporting cast members to vibrant life.     Then the words "Look at her" turned on the spotlight and the story shot right through the roof. A soft, demure sensuality emerged from the humble enchantress and stood in sharp contrast to the Mary Shelley most know only through her famous, game-changing novel. Could such a terrifying, ingenious nightmare of a story come from this diminutive "blossoming flower"?    As her pen "flies across the paper", I imagine generation after generation stunned and delighted by the words that are emblazoned there before her. This intriguing thought floats above the softly smoldering depiction of the genius at work.    Also impressive was her ability to maintain her dignity and remain endearingly aloof in the face of jealousy and unfair criticism.    I love the quote you wisely chose to close with. A savvy move because it highlights the talent and personality of an enigmatic legend whose beauty went far deeper than the surface and whose words will live on long after we're gone.    It's also notable to point out that many of today's horror and sci fi authors stand on the shoulders of this peerless writer.    Extraordinary work. I loved every moment.       
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Starward commented on: Christ Mass by Atramentous 2 years 22 weeks ago
I like this very much.: I like this very much.
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SSmoothie commented on: Questions to ignore? by SSmoothie 2 years 22 weeks ago
We are head for STAGFLATION!: We are head for STAGFLATION! This is one stage away form a WORLD WAR! JUST LIKE NAZI GERMANY...  civil break up and civil war, to avoid a civil war a d exit the 2 party system a common enemy is found and  war begun to keep the people at bay while sacrificing them on the battle grounds... 7 weeks ago I posted about the inflation now stagflation is knocking on our door are we going to fall for a bogus war? Have we learned nothing?
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georgeschaefer commented on: NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE by georgeschaefer 2 years 22 weeks ago
I believe in happy endings: I believe in happy endings and Neil Diamond
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Starward commented on: The Apology by amazingmrdonut 2 years 22 weeks ago
There is a profound wisdom in: There is a profound wisdom in the last two lines of your poem.
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allets commented on: The saddest part of all .............. by Daniel-59 2 years 22 weeks ago
Heartache: The true mate never fades. Ever. ~A~ 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Farmer's Rain Day by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 22 weeks ago
The 1930's (and 1940's) could: The 1930's (and 1940's) could have been called The War on Farmers. Of course, as history demonstrates, Big Business (such as Conagra and United Fruit - thel latter being today's "Dole") won in a slaughter. The public largely abandoned small plot farming both as a result of being forced in greater numbers out of homes and into slums and apartments during the Depression, and then with the hype of the processed food industry that followed in the 1950's. Since then, it's been a struggle to keep local farming alive, and that has been a large set up for this moment. A rude awakening now coming for most, but for anyone who has been trying to produce food for their family and/or their community for the last several decades, they already knew. So this poem is a bit of "future-now tense", as you quite well detected, and also a story that's already been lived for a long, long time.   It's also personal, to some degree, because there some elements that come from my own experience. And having to wait out a rain day when there was so much to be done was literally what had me sitting down at that moment, leading to the write : )
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allets commented on: Farmer's Rain Day by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 22 weeks ago
Poem In Future-Now Tense: A swipe as old plenty and contemporary scarcity - we will eat fine, the drought prone lesser countries  I feel for. Will we plant more this year? I hope so. Wheat for the world - yea! California  fruit/veggies, not so much without water. . The usa western veggie growers have grief. Big investments will fail - moving sad but even with water, Michigan lost population (and Congressional seats). Huge Farms here thrive whereas competition is a good thing - right? Let the farmer migration begin! . ~A~. 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Farmer's Rain Day by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 22 weeks ago
Thank you for sharing the: Thank you for sharing the connection that Farmer's Rain Day made for you. To be able to even serve as a reminder of a T.S. Eliot work is well more than enough for me : )
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Replies to comments by J-C4113D 2 years 22 weeks ago
Keep your wits about you. You: Keep your wits about you. You need to be your own best nurse and doctor in nursing homes, to say the least. At from all I've seen. Beyond that, no worries, as far as I am concerned. Appreciate that you can make it here, when you can and in what capacity you. Your writing efforts seem to be holding up quite well : ) Most of all, I hope that being able to get here is helping you through the hours of pain and recovery.
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allets commented on: NOT SO MUCH THE EARTH by georgeschaefer 2 years 22 weeks ago
Well Said!: Stupid is a great word - best self-interest is abandoned to a stranger with an agenda. A little hedonism goes far - if you are true to morality and ethics first, suggestions are measured against and used or not. ~A~ 
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Seeker commented on: Seeking light by Seeker 2 years 22 weeks ago
Thank you: Thank you
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georgeschaefer commented on: JE SUIS UN AUTRE by georgeschaefer 2 years 22 weeks ago
and yet I insist on trying: and yet I insist on trying
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patriciajj commented on: Seeking light by Seeker 2 years 22 weeks ago
There's an ecstatic movement: There's an ecstatic movement throughout this poem, as if chains are falling from some place deep within. Your agile use of natural images tells the story of inner longing, searching and triumph with a vibrancy that can be seen clearly in the mind's eye. A stunning journey. 
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patriciajj commented on: Replies to comments by J-C4113D 2 years 22 weeks ago
I appreciate the update. I'm: I appreciate the update. I'm so sorry that you're in such distress. Please don't worry about replying or commenting. Focus on getting better and just know that prayers and well wishes are coming your way.   I'm still enjoying your poetry, and I'm amazed that through all your suffering, your pen is still on fire and your work is as stunning as ever.    May the light of peace and comfort surround you. 
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