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arqios commented on: The Juvenile by upnorth_6 21 weeks 1 day ago
Very sad. Powerful: Very sad. Powerful expression. Thanks for sharing.
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patriciajj commented on: sarandipity by arqios 21 weeks 1 day ago
A witty and delightfully: A witty and delightfully unapologetic answer to a familiar complication in relationships. A pleasure to read, brilliant wordsmith!    
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; A Gratitude For The Joy Of Salvation, After Habakkuk 3:18 [Repost] by S74RW4RD 21 weeks 1 day ago
So genuine and pristine in: So genuine and pristine in its devotion, its gratitude, that it almost visibly radiates. A precious jewel that no doubt makes the angels (And the Creator!) sing.   Be fully blessed, fine Poet.    
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J-C4113d commented on: I'm not that strong. by GabulousGabby 21 weeks 1 day ago
I applaud your assessment and: I applaud your assessment and interpretation.
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ramonathompsont commented on: Life No Longer Matters by ramonathompsont 21 weeks 1 day ago
Thank you so much.: Thank you so much.
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beaconzbard commented on: PRETENDING by beaconzbard 21 weeks 1 day ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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arqios commented on: prank by Pingus 21 weeks 2 days ago
vampiric in feel   : vampiric in feel   
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Teytonon commented on: I'm not that strong. by GabulousGabby 21 weeks 2 days ago
I must disagree with..: I must disagree with your self-assessment. I would say you're very strong. I'll tell you why. You've placed this poem in a folder you call 'Dark and Moody'. You could have called it 'Mark and Doody'. Rather than go for the cheap laugh and saying something a five year old would find amusing, you stuck to your guns and named it what you felt was more appropriate to the subject at hand. Bravo!
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uninvited_1 commented on: confusion, illusion, delusion by insignificant 21 weeks 3 days ago
Nice play on word rhyme: Nice play on word rhyme here. 
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uninvited_1 commented on: Life No Longer Matters by ramonathompsont 21 weeks 3 days ago
Nicely done: Very creative.  I had the melody of the song in my head the whole time I was reading it. Nicely done.
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beaconzbard commented on: I SHOULD HAVE FLED by beaconzbard 21 weeks 3 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can watch/hear me read this one at:
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wemni commented on: Me, Myself, & That Other Lady by allets 21 weeks 4 days ago
To allets: Interesting  words....intriguing.  thank you.!
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Teytonon commented on: Don't Get It by Dreamer_2271 21 weeks 4 days ago
Hi. I happened to notice..: Hi. I happened to notice you published this poem on January 12, 2012. It's now February 2024. Twelve years have passed. It's my sincere hope that they've gotten some by now. If they're still not getting any after 12 years, the issue may be psychological in nature. Therapy may be the answer. I can recommend a few if you're interested. Thank you.
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J-C4113d commented on: A Revisory Argument by satishverma 21 weeks 5 days ago
I love your poems in this: I love your poems in this style.  The last stanza of this poem compares bleak irony to hope's iridescent and effulgent showers.
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osiriss- commented on: You Cannot Touch the Fogs by satishverma 21 weeks 6 days ago
I feel something has taken place: Ago - it was only 2 days worth of crap we wasted his time while he played us for cap he is not looking for the ultimate answer to make the world save he is looking for quickest route to exit the entire play i have already been on other shows 
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