
Gabrielle M

My Portfolio
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littl' ol' England

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Poetry of course, mine and others. Writing lyrics spending time with my family and friends.Generally being a thorn in the side of judgementalists. Stuff convention! Be you! I also love sports cars and avoiding going to the gym!I spend most time at the bar!

I'm just another ethereal cyber spirit attempting to follow my dream! Write good poetry! Make some soul-mates! That kinda thing!
A Little About Me
Looking to chat to people with stuff to say! Fed up with superficiality, if you want to chat to a soul searching, philosophical dreamer here I am ! Be warned I am able to turn great big men into sobbing babies! I'll be sweet!

Favourite Things
Favourite everything

Robbie Williams
basically anywhere south of here!
Intelligent people
People who look you in the eye
Chinese and Thai food
Lobster oh yes!
My friends.

Hobbies and Interests
Poetry,the written word,making a fool of myself on the dance floor and driving everyone I know nuts!

Favourite Quote
'Are you looking at me?' said in a Robert de niro accent ! I may be a dreamer but I aint no push over !!

About My Navel

my navel? mmm! Do i have to? It was there last time i checked!

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

When one door shuts another opens,and you never know what's around the corner!


Member for
23 years 5 weeks