most often a walking,
talking agglomerate
of bipedal constriction,
incessantly longing
of some scintilla of solitude,
lost were the days of joyous tutelage,
entombed in his most recent
nightmarish truth,
meandering among a
stoic and weeping world
of isolate, but recognised faces,
detached, collapsed, mangled,
crippled and torn
into bits and pieces of rath
left from the scourges
of love's albatross still in situ,
every sunset, no rest,
but amassed density
within each slumber
and every sunrise
the burden expounded
on his withering reserves,
no inkling or cue of enlightenment
knocked upon the doors
of his tortured existence,
and he never meant to unleash
his fury and beat
a four year old
recently bereft
of a mother like that,
but somehow,
he allowed himself
to justify it.
10:11 PM 7/21/2013 ©
i am barack obama and i
i am barack obama and i approve this message