knowing you the way I got to, helped me really appreciate the rain pouring down, & to look past the clouds..
I never felt one with the sand until you touched my hand.. even the fireworks weren't ever as breath-taking..
you to me, were like a piece of breathing earth, with eyes, & ears.. a heart.. but too many fears..
I can't say you have much more then me, though.. & it doesn't matter which one of us is less flawed..
I wish I could fly away to a paradise, somewhere i'll finally have all the closure I need... for everything..
I feel like I have to fight with myself everyday.. battle of self esteem, hopes, dreams, disappointments, needs..
I battle to stay awake, & I battle to fall asleep..
wherever did the peace go? whatever happened to the flow...
I got lost in the forest of my mind, trying to become free..
but more then a few of these deeply rooted trees have collapsed & fallen on top of me..
scratching at the dirt, gripping at the grass.. I can't breathe..
is love just as much baggage as hate..? because they both seem to feel equally heavy..
maybe inside i'm just overweight..
maybe that's what i've been seeing..
how can I work from the inside, out..?
how can I prevent these ups & downs..?
do you even know..? I didn't think so..
it's all up to me.
learn to appreciate the rain... even if it's drenching you in pain..
i'll always be your secret..